What is your opinion(s) on Bristol Palin's "call out" to the President?
Asked by
Cruiser (
March 19th, 2012
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27 Answers
For what possible reason would I care what the daughter of an ex-Governor says about the President of the United States? How is her opinion in any way more important than any other citizen’s?
I guess bimbo-ness is hereditary.
I think it’s pretty funny. She obviosuly didn’t think of this herself – my guess is that mommy (or one of mommy’s advisers) suggested it.
Obama did stand up for her when he was running last time. Nothing new has happened that would make him reach out and call her.
My opinion is that if you add an (s) to indicate an optional plural of “opinion”, you also have to add an (are), otherwise your sentence becomes grammatically wrong.
Merely a ploy to point out the inconsistency of the outrage. It means very little since everyone already knows the outrage is about politics rather than women or children.
My opinion is she’s a publicity whore looking to find an audience for her upcoming reality show.
@elbanditoroso Sure, yet they’re associated with women, these words like slut or whore or bitch. You can call men those words but their connotation (at least for now) remains with women. That’s why I’d rather be clear and say stupidity.
If she’s trying to get traction for her own reality show, I think she’d probably do better with a boob job.
Bill Maher gave Obama 1 million bucks?
Dear Bristol;
I agree that Bill Maher is an ass hole, but darlin’ your mama gives passes to way to many idiots on the other side too. She has been known to be quite the hate monger herself.
When your mom was a national candidate, Then Senator Obama stood up for you. Thank you for acknowledging his kindness.
You’re a big girl now and have put YOURSELF in the public eye. Ridicule and satire comes to everyone who takes a political stand and puts themselves out there.
Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh are just proof that if you go to far in either direction you end up in the same disgusting place.
But sweetie, if you want cover from public ridicule, quit the reality shows, and quit putting yourself out there. If your faith is real, be humble and repentant, above reproach. Take the Grace God has given you, and share it. Us it to extinguish the fires of hate that have been planted in your life by a fundamentalist movement that has lost sight of Jesus’ mission.
Don’t worry about a message from the President, open your heart to the message of love and forgiveness that is the very core of what your faith is supposed to be all about. That’s the message you really should be waiting for.
Dear Bristol,
I fear for the well being of your children. Sincerely, Westy.
Ms. Palin’s mother decided to put her entire family out there when she ran with McCain and since the election she has done all she can to keep her entire family in the spotlight. Good old Bristol is in lock step with mom’s exhibitionism.
In high school journalism we learned about something called fair comment and criticism which absolutely comes into play in this situation. You put yourself out there Bristol and by so doing you gave Mr. Maher, or anyone else who has an opinion about you the right to share that opinion in their public forum. Ms. Fluke is not an attention hound who spoke out in order to have Rush Limbaugh and every other foul mouthed pundit take notice of her. She spoke out in support of women and women’s rights with no other agenda. As far as I’m concerned this blog post proves @SpatzieLover‘s point, Bristol is a publicity whore with no shame and who will stop at nothing to get her name out there. Pathetic and sad.
Daffodils look nice this time of year.
Was there a point to that? I read it twice, and I don’t see any logic. I think Bristol should get some new writers. Ones who can think and express themselves clearly. But these writers seem to be from the school that believes you should throw shit at the wall until some of it sticks and people will look at it and make up that it means something.
I think it would be lovely for President Obama to call her up and tell her exactly what he thinks of her.
And I’m making a donation to the Obama campaign.
So Bristol is asking for Obama to say it’s okay to be an unwed teen mother? Maybe Bristol should listen to Ms Fluke about making contraceptives available!
If Sara Palin had had better access to birth control during a critical time in her life, perhaps we would not have to be putting up with this now.
If she doesn’t get that call from Obama, I would gladly send her a bottle of asprin for birth control.
@filmfann That made me laugh! Out loud! XD! +6
Bill Maher is definitely a potty mouth. He’s not, however, a misogynist. He’s also not a blatant liar. Rush’s three day tirade against Sandra Fluke was full of deliberate lies. In that reepect, it wasn’t just criticism, it was defamation of character and slander.
As to demanding that Bill Maher retract his criticism or donatin, the far-right justices on the Superem Court saw to it that he cannot do that. Super PACs (what Maher donated to) must by law be completely independent of the candidate. THe candidate cannot exercisae any control over what they say.
My opinion is that Obama addressed this years ago, explicitly defending Bristol Palin in a public statement made on 1 September 2008:
“Let me be a clear as possible: I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people’s families are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits. This shouldn’t be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin’s performance as governor, or her potential performance as a vice president. And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and, you know, teenage children, that shouldn’t be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that’s off limits.”
She got her phone call a long time ago, whether she remembers it or not.
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