Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What are your opinions on reality?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 20th, 2012

I am asking not just your reality but what you think about all reality? Also do you consider reality to exist? What would a person be called if you belive that reality isn’t real at all? What if they were right and not mentally ill and reality doesn’t exist? How would that make you feel?

Humor, real answers and sarcasm welcome…This is in Social so feel free to say what ever you like.

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36 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I am in favor of it.

If it turned out not to be real, I’d want to know that, though.

zensky's avatar

It’s over-rated. I’m against it.—-Hi Lisa. Muah.—

ragingloli's avatar

Define reality.

talljasperman's avatar

@ragingloli I can’t define something that doesn’t exist so just guess.

ragingloli's avatar

It is what it is.

noraasnave's avatar

We are blessed and cursed to see reality through our own distinctive eyes. There are a rare few that see the paradigms shift and transcend to a little truer reality.

Look at a billionaire’s reality verses a homeless person’s reality. The homeless person’s reality is a bit smaller, most of us can probably understand it, but a billionaire’s reality? That is a level most of us can’t fathom, even if we watch ‘lifestyles of the rich and famous.’ In this case it is not necesarily a better reality or a truer one, but they are definitely different!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Does it exist? Is there such a think as objective reality?

My feeling is that we each define reality for ourselves, based on knowledge, experience, and guts. Sometimes your reality and mine coincide, but more often than not they are different.

Bottom line is that there is no universal reality, much less a universal Definition of reality.

ucme's avatar

When it occasionally bites, it’s best to escape from it for a while.

stardust's avatar

^^It’s fun to escape from reality, whatever it is. I love nothing more than retreating into my own world.
I reckon each of us has a unique path to walk/run/trudge through so I suppose reality is a relative concept.

dabbler's avatar

( ...I was hoping @zensky might post an answer with no words! Some kind of koan… )

All of the above, the hard parts the soft parts the external parts the internal parts… all in my reality. The known the unknown the mental the emotional the scientific the intuitive… all in my reality. My opinions your opinions the facts the inventions… all in my reality.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It sucks. Let me live in my own little world.

thorninmud's avatar

Opinions and reality don’t play well together. As Dazu Huike put it, “Do not go searching for the truth. Just let those fond opinions go”.

marinelife's avatar

Yes, reality exists. The question is can we perceive it?

janbb's avatar

The question is what are reality’s opinions on me?

wundayatta's avatar

I think reality is a pretty good model that helps us survive. But I’m always looking for ways to improve the model.

PS @janbb, I asked my reality model what it’s opinions about you are. I’m afraid I had to shut down the run before it finished. There was too much black smoke and it was starting to choke me to death.

Blackberry's avatar

Great words from Oscar Gamble: “They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.” LOL

Coloma's avatar

There is perception and then there is universal reality.
If I perceive your shirt to be green and you perceive it to be blue, well, it is both green and blue based on perception. If I perceive you to be a jerk, regardless of your opinion of your jerkiness or lack of, well, I’ll still dump your ass because my perception trumps your opinion. lol

On the other hand, if I perceive the IRS to be a fraudulent organization, well, that may or may not be true in reality, but what is true is that if I don’t pay my taxes the reality of impending fines and imprisonment will effect my reality. lol

What I do know is that fighting with reality causes suffering.
No amount of internal complaining and resistance changes reality.
Dead is dead, broken is broken, taxes are taxes, things change, and no amount of resistance changes these facts, sooo, best to accept reality and drop the mental BS of why reality is bad, wrong, unfair. It just is.

King_Pariah's avatar

Small, marching, gravity defying, purple elephants for everybody!

TexasDude's avatar

It’s All Crazy! It’s All False! It’s All A Dream! It’s Alright!

marinelife's avatar

Hey, wundy! Leave our little penguin alone!!!!

wundayatta's avatar

@marinelife Now why would you say that? There’s no telling why the model was smoking. It could be because of the penguin’s awesome wonderfulness that was too much to handle. ;-)

Sunny2's avatar

I think I’ll vote for it this time, but I may change my mind next election.

Coloma's avatar


LOL…funny! Yes, I am not a supporter of reality in this election.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Reality is what you experience when you can’t rule in anything else.

SuperMouse's avatar

The Allegory of the Cave. There is no such thing as one true reality. Things people, places, life, spirituality, everything only has the meaning we give it.

Coloma's avatar

@SuperMouse True. Except for death and taxes. ;-p

flutherother's avatar

Ah, another chance to bring out my favourite quote:

“Without inwardness there can be no external world, and without imagination there can be no reality.”

Franz Werfel

SavoirFaire's avatar

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”
—Philip K. Dick

Berserker's avatar

As far as we understand and define existence, reality exists as we perceive it, I guess. Whatever lies beyond the limits of our comprehension though, I couldn’t say. Maybe we only think it exits, because I think therefore I am and all, but in that way, it’s real, even if it’s something else entirely, or nothing at all. If you think about a dragon, I guess it exists in your head, even if there are no actual dragons. But if reality isn’t anything, it sure is complicated for all the facets you can explore.

Only138's avatar

It isn’t real. LMAO

ratboy's avatar

It poses significant danger to health and happiness and ought to be eradicated whenever and wherever it is discovered.

ddude1116's avatar

If it isn’t real, at least it’s consistent.

Paradox25's avatar

According to quantum mechanics matter isn’t real. The atoms that make up matter are pretty much empty space. Perhaps we do live in a truly holographic universe where the only reality is Mind.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Paradox25 First of all, there’s no such thing as “according to quantum mechanics.” At best, there’s “according to one of the several interpretations of quantum mechanics.” Second, no interpretation of quantum mechanics says anything as bold as “matter isn’t real.” Some say that matter is not what we once thought it was, but we’ve known that since Einstein. The ontological import of the various interpretations, however, is a philosophical matter—and one that has not been resolved.

mattbrowne's avatar

The belief that one’s own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all—Paul Watzlawick

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