Meta Question

Bellatrix's avatar

Would you want to be rescued by this jelly?

Asked by Bellatrix (21320points) March 21st, 2012

Really just an opportunity to share this link to a robot jelly. It has been developed by US scientists and can be used in search and rescue situations.

What else could Robojelly be used for?

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15 Answers

zensky's avatar

Well it’s US navy backed research – so I have a feeling it’s bound for a little more destroy than search. I can see them afixing an underwater mine to it and the little bugger stealthily swimming towards and attaching itself to a boat.

Bellatrix's avatar

You may very well be right @Zensky (and hello lovely man. Haven’t had chance to say hi recently much). Jellyfish should only be used for peaceful activities. Well except those that can sting you to death.

rooeytoo's avatar

Yep I am sure the bloody yanks will use it for evil purposes! Don’t they always! Oh wait, there was that episode in Darwin when the Japs were coming and in Townsville as well, but the yanks were probably just coming for R & R and were accidentally caught up in the fray.

I was a lot more upset by the article on the same page regarding the overuse of antibiotics and how hundreds and perhaps thousands of aussies are dying from superbugs that are completely resistant to even the most toxic antibiotic!

Bellatrix's avatar

Well I have been arguing with people about going to the doctors for antibiotics to help heal a cold for years. However if doctors, who know better, prescribe them… what can you do? There should be more education about the correct use of antibiotics.

rooeytoo's avatar

I have taken them very rarely in my life, but apparently the problem stems more from what we ingest in the factory farmed meats we eat. Also have you noticed it is almost impossible to buy dishwashing detergent or hand soap that is not anti-bacterial??? Practically every cleaning product you see is anti-bacterial. Then the sponges claim to be anti-bacterial. It really is a worry if you have to go to the hospital. Wasn’t there a big outbreak of golden staph or somesuch in Brisbane in the last few years? I know there were problems in Townsville. I am in Vic now and seems as if it is a problem here too. It is scary, you go the hospital to be cured and come out incurable!

Sorry didn’t mean to derail your question, but I did see that at the bottom of the page and it immediately caught my eye.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s fine. I don’t want to go into great detail here but a very, very close relative died a few years ago because of a golden staph infection she contracted after surgery. She was only 50. So I am acutely aware of the problem.

rooeytoo's avatar

It’s absolutely another reason to use only free range meat and eggs. And plain old sugar soap for cleaning.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Oh no, my identity!!!

I just wanted to fit in and be a real jelly… :(

blueiiznh's avatar

of course. it sounds pretty sexy to me.

gailcalled's avatar

With a little more attention to diet and exercise, he can have his way with me anytime.

Berserker's avatar

I wanna be rescued by @KateTheGreat

ETpro's avatar

Self fueling. That’s totally cool.

ro_in_motion's avatar

If I am drowning, I would be happy to be rescued by anything, no matter how grotesque it might look … even if it looked like my ex. rim shot

jazmina88's avatar

jelly…..would it make Bob a pb and j??

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