Social Question

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Do you think the people you flirt with online are similar to the people you flirt with in real life?

Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought (14682points) March 21st, 2012

I am aware of how big a flirt you are, don’t bother denying it.

When you flirt with people online, are you flirting with the same types of persons you flirt with in your real life? What is similar and what is different about your behavior when you are protected by anonymity?

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23 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Most likely not, since I can’t see them and I’m not expecting to possibly have sex with them.

rebbel's avatar

On- and offline the same; women.

DaphneT's avatar

I like to flirt with flirts, so I assume the on-line people have characteristics similar to people I meet in person. I’m more comfortable with the anonymity factor being in play, I hope for no backlash or misunderstanding; no follow-through required. Sadly, in real life I no longer flirt with men younger than my dad, as most men my age don’t seem to understand to just flirt and let it go.

King_Pariah's avatar

I tend to be attracted to people similar to those I meet in real life but it’s more playful than flirting, I know it’s a hard line to distinguish but I can tell when I’m just being playful and when I’m being genuinely flirtatious.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I flirt nonseriously all the time in both. If I can get a smile it’s all I ask. I got five today. I’m the same person online as in real life.

chyna's avatar

I don’t flirt in real life.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I flirt with pretty much everyone, and none of it really means anything. I guess I don’t really have a “type” that I flirt with.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@chyna There’s guys that don’t take it seriously. It’s ok to flirt a little.

filmfann's avatar

I do not flirt with people in real life. I don’t think I flirt with anyone online.
I do make (what I think are) humorous comments, but I don’t think anyone actually thinks that is flirting.

yankeetooter's avatar

@filmfann…be careful…even joking around can be taken the wrong way, I made that mistake sometime back.

AshLeigh's avatar

I secretly suspect that you’re all forty year old men, sitting naked in a beanbag chair eating popcorn…

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I have publicly stated I am 38. And stop thinking about me naked jail bait.

AshLeigh's avatar

You’re not even my type.

jonsblond's avatar

I am a 41 year old woman, sitting naked in a futon eating Wheat Thins. You are so wrong @AshLeigh. :P

AshLeigh's avatar

Close enough.

linguaphile's avatar

There isn’t anyone in my life to flirt with at this time. 90% of the males around me are high school students and the other 10% are married coworkers. Ick, ick, ick. No flirting at all in real life even though I used to be a big flirt in college.

I flirt/tease a little online but am extremely careful because I am not interested in anything with anyone and am concerned that my intentions for flirting can be taken the wrong way. I’m also very careful because I did fall head over heels over an online character and that wasn’t fun at all—pttth. Not interested in a repeat.

ucme's avatar

I frequently flirt in real life especially with friends, harmless banter that’s good for a laugh.
Never felt the need to do so online, certainly not here on these pages.
I mean, who knows what venimous harridans lie in wait? Overweight, repulsive creatures who smell constantly of onions?
I do admire their dexterity though, must be difficult to type flirtatious comments whilst holding a bag of doritos in one hand & feverishly fingering with the other…..just a thought.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It isn’t even 8:00 AM and I already got my first smile today. So there pfft.

filmfann's avatar

@yankeetooter Perhaps you’re right.
I should let everyone here know I don’t actually want you to pull my finger.

augustlan's avatar

I flirt with just about everyone (all in a playful manner, not earnestly), so I guess it’s the same here as in real life.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@AshLeigh Actually, I’m sitting naked in a bean bag chair, eating cheetos.

chyna's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I hate when I get that orange stuff all over my skin.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Yep, me too. You know what it’s actually called? “Cheedle”, lol.

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