Social Question

What should be my next move?
I’m a little hesitant at asking this question on fluther.. but here goes.. might be a little long..
Seems my head is still stuck in the clouds and my little meaningless crush has now become a big obsessive crush.
I met him in a college class. We’re school friends, and have been for a year now. I speak to him regularly, although, only at school. We’d have those “moments” of extended eye contact when we both would just stare into each others eyes and he would just look so sparkly and dreamy. haha.. embarrassed
I do have a previous question on fluther regarding the way I attempted to ask him to hang out.
That I did. Somewhat awkwardly… I avoided eye contact as I asked him to hang out sometime, and then I made eye contact after I finished speaking. And all the while, he observed me and then when we locked eyes, he told me to text him.
I texted him about 4 days later. It had nothing to do with hanging out though, and the conversation lead to nowhere. And no we still have not hung out out of school.. And I do not text him, and he does not text me..
Well, I was confused and did not know if he liked me at all or not. So I observed a little. I would listen to him while he talked, smile, giggle at the right times, give good eye contact. etc. Just those little things. And he flirted with me! Good sign? I thought so. He would tease me, and said some ridiculous things to make me laugh.. he even mentioned that he was single. I could tell when he was trying to impress me as well.
But I’m not sure if this is leading anywhere. I don’t know if it was harmless flirting.. I’m not sure.. When we chat, nobody else is around. Some days our conversation is just dull. I suppose some days I find myself subconsciously avoiding eye contact.. or maybe because we’re studying and don’t need to constantly talk. I hope I’m not sending mixed signals at all. I’m not sure what I’m doing, and I don’t know what to do. He has my number too, but nothing is initiated. He also doesn’t ask me to hang out.
What should be my next move? Is he just not that into me? Or am I not showing that I’m interested? Move on and throw him into the friend zone? Or, put him on the spot and be straightforward about my intentions/ interest?