Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Is there any company with lower ethics than

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) March 24th, 2012

These slime balls are using SMSCaster (also slime out of Hong Kong) to illegally send spam text messages to thousands of cellphone users. They are based in Denver Colorado and list their Admin number as +1.7202492374 .

If you receive a text from this lowlife company you should call your cell phone provider, 611, and complain. You will be credited and they will have more ammunition to go after the scum.

Do you simply ignore these types of calls or do you go after them? Do you have better suggestions for combating this problem?

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5 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

Here’s what I did:
I called Verizon, 611, and tied up a rep for 20 minutes.
I asked for and receirved 40 cents credit
I called my land line with my cell phone and place my phone near the radio for one hour totally wasting tower bandwidth.
This will be the most expensive SMS they ever sent out. If enough people complain they will have some incentive to do something about it.
Let’s all do it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I also started a Facebook page called “Stop Cell Phone Spam”

Boy! I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!

wildpotato's avatar

I do not ignore these. I reported them to the FCC, who sent me a thank you letter for making the report. Go FCC!

Thanks for telling me I can get credit from my cell company for these; that’s very helpful.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@wildpotato I checked my account today and sure enough there was a 40 cents credit.

I get mad because the phone company can fix this problem a number o ways.
1) They can charge the sender instead of the recipient.
2) They can not forward text messages from known spammers like SMSCaster.
3) They can not not permit Robo dialed messages to go through.
4) They can have a “Reject message” selection that flags the message and give the user credit.
I’m sure there are other methods.
The issue is they have no incentive to do so. They make money on the calls.

I have made it one of my missions to make sure they don’t profit from these types of calls.
I am also a Verizon stock holder. I might even try to bring it up for a vote at an annual shareholders meeting.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Here is the FCC site to report Cell phone spam, Do-not-call violations, robo calls, etc.:

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