Social Question

filmfann's avatar

What is your favorite comic strip?

Asked by filmfann (52605points) March 24th, 2012

Yes, this has been asked before.
Bloom County? Doonesbury? The Far Side?
Won’t you share your favorite strips, and perhaps some we should be aware of?

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40 Answers

jca's avatar

Far Side and Doonesbury. It’s a tie. No, I take that back. I’d say Far Side over Doonesbury, but Doonesbury is very entertaining, too.

Coloma's avatar

Farside hands down! Gary Larsen is a GENIUS, funniest human being ever, I have several of his books and nothing makes me laugh like his cartoons. Brilliant, just brilliant!

gailcalled's avatar

Agree about The Far Side. (He is Gary Larson.)

Coloma's avatar

@gailcalled Figures, I was pondering the last time I spelled his name and damn it all…wouldn’t ya know it, I picked the “e” over the “o”. haha

Trillian's avatar

Bloo County and Far side. I carry the memory of the spamelopes with me always.

Coloma's avatar

@Trillian Hahaha, the spamelopes!

cookieman's avatar

Was Bloom County.

Berkley Breathed was a genius. Opus the penguin is my hero.

Coloma's avatar

@gailcalled “The Far SKIDE?” Gotcha’....;-)

Coloma's avatar

@gailcalled Okay, that was good, fastest edit in the east. lol

linguaphile's avatar

Calvin and Hobbes forever.

I also like Zits, Rose is Rose and Baby Blues. I grew up on Archie, Jughead and crew, and still enjoy a glimpse into the old magazines now and then.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Hark! A Vagrant.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I fourth the vote for Larson’s FarSide. He’s a genius!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller

gondwanalon's avatar

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller is very good. It is best when it isn’t too political.

I love that one where an old lady is looking a big pile of vitamins as she asks her husband which of them was to help with memory.

filmfann's avatar

I also love Non Sequitur. Danae reminds me of my daughter.

Berserker's avatar

Calvin and Hobbes, hands down. My dad had all the books. (which I later took possession of; all of them, much to his dismay XD) When I was a kid I read them all the time. Being content with Calvin’s bike coming after him, or making faces when his dad tried to take a picture of him, or Hobbes pouncing on him when he got back from school and all, I sometimes skipped the parts with too much text. Mostly I read them, but didn’t really get the jokes. If I was a bit tired, I’d skip them.
As I got older, I started understanding the jokes, so Calvin and Hobbes always had something to offer me. I never get bored going through them, so, the comic still has much to offer.

I also love FoxTrot and Garfield.

filmfann's avatar

Pearls Before Swine is terrific, and still in production.

Haleth's avatar

Internet- xkcd
newspaper- dilbert

TexasDude's avatar

The Far Side and Perry Bible Fellowship.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Bloom County. I think I stopped paying attention to comic strips around when Breathed moved to Outland.

funkdaddy's avatar

Natalie Dee makes me laugh until my wife comes to see what’s wrong with me.

Just sayin.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

I love Dilbert!! That comic strip is often right on as far as what happens in an office. Especially funny to my husband and I since he’s an Engineer and so it Dilbert! It’s hilarious!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Calvin and Hobbes

wildpotato's avatar

Internet: Hyperbole and a Half
Paper: Calvin and Hobbes

Trillian's avatar

I brought three Calvin and Hobbes collections a couple weeks before I went into the hospital to have my son in 1993. I had kept them without looking at them specifically so I’d have some fresh giggles. I kept laughing so hard that it physically hurt too much to keep on. I had to put them away until after I left and went home before I dared open them again.

linguaphile's avatar

For internet comics I like PhD A must-read for anyone who’s doing graduate or doctoral studies, or anyone around academia.

Linda_Owl's avatar

My top picks would have to be Non Sequitur & Doonesbury.

Joker94's avatar

I love this question. Without a doubt, Calvin and Hobbes. It’s one of the few strips that made me laugh out loud, and the only one that actually provoked serious thought or reflection. That being said, anyone who hasn’t read Garfield Minus Garfield yet is missing out.

Berserker's avatar

@Joker94 Garfield Minus Garfield, that’s messed up, man. O_o

filmfann's avatar

Garfield Minus Garfield is terrific!
My favorite Calvin comics are his snow sculptures. That was a terrific strip! It disappoints me that most people only remember Calvin now for window stickers of him pissing on sports teams names, or politicans.

Berserker's avatar

@filmfann People who only know Calvin for pissing are missing out. :(

Kardamom's avatar

Luann This is my favorite strip of all time. At first glance it just seems like a goofy teen comic, but this strip is so realistic with regards to the embarrasments and humiliations and challenges of being a young female. It’s a really good ensemble strip too, because all of the satellite characters really add depth to this strip. And not everything is funny and giggly, this strip has dealt with a lot of really difficult issues such as homosexuality, cancer, birth control and death. Sometimes a strip like Luann makes it easier for young folks (or even middle aged folks such as myself) deal with the hard subjects. And I love that this is an ongoing series (kind of like my other old favorite that has gone away For Better or Worse by Lynn Johnson) so you are always wondering what is going to happen next with this character or that character. For instance, Luann’s brother Brad, started out as a bratty, lazy, dirty young boy, but he’s become a caring, loyal firefighter and he got the girl, despite his initial nerdiness. And Luann’s 2 best friends, Delta and Bernice are amazing, strong female role models for teenaged girls. And her parents are the best. Kind of like the parents in Zits, super loving, kind of nerdy, but always doing the best they can for their kids. And it’s funny!

Zits This teenage kid reminds me of my male cousins when they were younger. He’s a good kid, but he can be sarcastic and ridiculously creative and his parents are long suffering suburbanites that I can relate to.

Bizarro wacky/psychedelic drawings with totally out there stream of consciousness themes.

The Knight Life best/funniest drawings ever! Great strip that lightly deals with the effects of racism and just every day life, that’s common to all of us.

Foxtrot The youngest kid, Jason reminds me so much of Sheldon Cooper from the TV show The Big Bang Theory, that it worth it just for him, alone.

Joker94's avatar

@Symbeline Hiii :) And G-G is just amazing. It’s so depressing, I can’t help but laugh at it.
@filmfann Ah, I loved those. I loved his zany alter egos the best, like Spaceman Spiff or Tracer Bullet, I always got a kick out of those.
This question has inspired me to actually read the Sunday strip today.

Mariah's avatar

Can we count webcomics? I love Questionable Content, Girls with Slingshots, and xkcd.

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