Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW! - Honestly, just how many individuals could you party with in one session?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) March 25th, 2012

Specifics. Just how many people, opposite sex or same sex…that you are confident you could satisfy in one sexual encounter? What is the plan of attack? Would there be a plan or preparation at all?

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14 Answers

Trillian's avatar

One. Two if I have a partner.

josie's avatar

Two, opposite sex (girls), would be my best shot. And I did that once. All I can say is it was not as much fun as having one partner I liked alot. Other than to say I did, I am still not real sure what the point was.

rebbel's avatar

Females: 1
Males: 4

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

3 girls. You have the shy one watch at first so really only two are in play at a time.

Been years though.

ucme's avatar

Given a certain amount of “courtesy time” in between, i’m going to be “up” for action all fucking night long.

judochop's avatar

sport fucking….woot! Whiskey dick penetrates all night long.

wundayatta's avatar

I think I could handle two or three… Oh who am I kidding?


I experienced a threesome or two in my early twenties. I’m not sure how satisfied the others were. It was fun. I don’t need to do it ever again.

filmfann's avatar

I’m lucky if I’m satisfied!

ETpro's avatar

@ragingloli So that’s where your screen name comes from. :-)

I’m not into group sex in general. More than 3 is usually a crowd. But I can conjure up an S&M scene where a whole group of people use me orally and each one tries to take the game a little further than the last. If I were a free agent and knew they were all STD free, that could run into some serious time and numbers, and get really outrageously dirty in the process.

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