Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Do you search for previous questions before asking your own?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37824points) March 25th, 2012

I regularly use the search feature on Fluther before asking questions. Sometimes I find what I’m looking for in older questions, and at other times, it turns up nothing. Sometimes the search works like it’s supposed to, and at other times, it doesn’t give me links that would be truly helpful.

What’s your experience with the Fluther search feature?

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9 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I tried to ask a question today, and checked first.
Turns out I already asked that question 2 years ago, so I passed.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@filmfann : I’ve done the same thing. :-) And I’ve also passed.

Coloma's avatar

Hell no, I am waay too spontaneous for that, and besides, there are plenty of question detectives that will link or point out that ones question is not obsolete or has a sister/brother/ distant cousin question for reference. haha

I wouldn’t want to deprive the Bloodhounds from tracking down the renegades anymore than I would wish to throw off the scent of the grammar police.. lol

Bellatrix's avatar

I should but I don’t. In the past, if the question I want to ask has already been asked, the Fluther system has alerted me to this and then I have dumped the question.

Sunny2's avatar

@filmfann Does that mean you’ve come full circle and have to go around again?

I usually check, but not always, and if I am echoing a former question, I look to see when it was posted. 2 years or more ago and I post mine anyway.

ETpro's avatar

Yep. Easy enough to check. But is my question details take the basic question far afield of what was previously asked, I go ahead with posting it.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sometimes. Usually I don’t.
And sometimes I just ask anyway.

ucme's avatar

No, I either have a hunch it’s been asked before in one form or another, or fluther will let me no as part of the question asking procedure.

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