NSFW - Guys and gals, what would you do if you have an 18 year old who is sexually attracted to you and you are old enough to be his or her parent?
Just assuming that it really has come to a point that there is no doubt this young person made his or her intentions clear about having an affair, what are the things you would consider first before making a decision, whether it’s a yes or no. Or is it an automatic no in your case?
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34 Answers
as long as you are both over 18, and
you are both unattached, and
if you are also attracted to them,
then go for it.
I asked my girlfriend if I could act on it; she says no.
There is always the issue of your self respect. Or is that just another casualty of decadence.
No. I know how much life experience difference there is. I know how much young people change between 18 and 25. I don’t think it could ever be a relationship between equals.
Nothing. I prefer 2D people.
Any time I agree with @josie I have to check myself, but @marinelife is on the same side, too.
18 year olds are children. Not a chance.
18 is the magic number—this is a trick question, right?
What’s the relationship? Neighbor? Friend’s child? I am I in a position of power? Are either of us in a monagamous relationship? Is this person a virgin? Is the young person experiencing “love” rather than lust? HELL NO.
Barista at the local Starbucks you could choose to never see again? Maybe.
It is always a no in this case.
I’m over 60 so I would most likey vomit and then run.
There are a lot of “what ifs” in this situation.
Normally, I would say a flat NO upfront, But, if the man is not married and the girl is 18, I see that the age difference should not be a factor.
I am probably alone in this case and I am sure I will receive some flack from my fellow friends on Fluther.
Am I single in this hypothetical situation?
If I were a single man, I would totally “hit that shit”, just because I’ve been that 18 year old girl so i can’t really discourage that kind of behavior. But since I’m a girl and the thought of ever being with anyone younger than me (or even the same age as me) kinda squiks me out (daddy issues).
Back in the days I would have said yes. Now at 40 something I know better. Thanks but No Thanks.
If I was single, it would most probably be an automatic no. Only because I am not and have never really been into much younger men. I can’t think of an occasion when I have seriously entertained the thought, even when I was a lot younger. I would try to let the person down gently. I would do the same if I wasn’t interested and the man was the same age or significantly older. I wouldn’t want to make the person feel bad because they were interested.
What would an 18 year old and, I don’t know, say a 58 year old have in common? Or an 18 year old and a 48 year old? No offense to anyone, but I don’t trust anyone under 30.
I do not trust anyone over 30.
Well, I’d probably say no, but it’s by no means automatic. It would have to be more than a sexual attraction, and in both ways. That is, I’d have to be attracted to her more than just sexually, and – unless she’s insane (which would be an automatic “no”) – there would have to be a demonstration on her part that she has more than a sexual attraction to me.
I don’t “hook up” casually, so as I said, there has to be a strong feeling in my own mind that this could be some kind of permanent relationship – which I would be pretty darn unlikely to find in a young woman of that age.
There should be no considering involved. It’s obviously not right and she doesn’t understand this. It’s not love she’s feeling, it’s most likely lust. It may seem like she’ll hat you forever if you refuse her but she’ll move on eventually. She’ll realize, one day, that she was a fool for thinking you would go along with it.
run. bad news. quick lust.
If we’re just talking sex, I’d possibly consider it. A real relationship? Not a chance in hell.
Relationship, doubtful…. Sex… why not if I’m single too?
I’m a believer in the half+7 rule. Which means that the age of consent for any individual is half their age plus 7 years. So, the oldest person to date an 18 year-old would be 22.
(22/2) = 11 + 7 = 18.
So if you are 7 you should date an 10.5 year old? Interesting rule.
Or if you are just born…
@GladysMensch you know that is the same rule the Nation of Islam used to match their followers with wives?
@ragingloli 7 year olds, 10 year olds and newborns aren’t/shouldn’t be thinking about dating so I don’t think @GladysMensch +7 rule applies to them. Just saying.
I try to blow them off or ignore them, but that usually attracts them more it seems. I don’t know the answer to this myself and feelings of both parties have been hurt in my case over this issue.
I really am old enough to be the parent of an 18 year old (I am in theory old enough to be parent of a 28 year old) and there’s no way I’d even consider having sex with someone that young even as a one-off. Automatic no.
@likipie You say “it’s just lust” like that’s a bad thing. Sometimes it’s just lust. Not everything has to be a grand romantic adventure into forever. People get to make that decision for themselves. As long as you are not deceiving anyone into thinking it is love, then, why can’t two people consensually decide that they’d just like to have sex with one another?
The question is what is their emotional age. If it’s 30 sure, but if its 15 -19 no.
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