Social Question

What was the worst accident you were in that caused you physical harm?
I was riding as a passenger in a golf cart last Thursday and a friend of mine was on the back, not a proper seat in back, more like a tray to transport things, a girl we had just met was driving. Anyway, we were driving on a road, pavement, and came to a fairly steep long hill. As we began to pick up speed, I looked to see if the driver was breaking. She must have noticed and she said, “I know it’s a little scary, but it will be fine I’ve done it before.” a few seconds later she lost control, swerving left, and right, and left and right, with the cart tipping a little each time, and then finally drove into the fence on my side. I slammed into the fence, and then bounced back onto the road.
My head was not impacted, thank goodness, but I was banged up really badly. Cuts and bruises, I have cuts in the shape of the chain link fence across my stomach, and horizanatl slices across my breast, most likely from the top of the fence. Road rash in many places, knee a little twisted and my shoulders, especially my right shoulder. I had a small tear in my lung, very small, that did not need treatment. I suffered severe vertigo from the event, and still have moderate vertigo until I can do more to try to correct it once I am not so sore.
I’m not very angry at this idiot woman who took a horrible risk, which she had no right to do with others in the car, but I do feel like I want her to have to pay my healthcare fees, which will easily be several thousand. I will likely be unable to drive for at least a month, and my husband has to do everything for me.
My girlfriend on the back was thrown, has a severe concussion and a small subdural hematoma, she is still in the hospital.
What happened to you? How did you feel? Was it someone else’s fault? How did your feelings change over time? Are your physical injuries lasting?