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Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

What was the name of your favorite stuffed animal or action figure?

Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought (14682points) March 29th, 2012

Can you tell me a little bit about it? Was it a duck, or a beat up teddy bear?

At what age did it finally disappear in a move? Do you still have it?

Do you hide it when you expect romantic visitors?

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26 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

I had a rocking horse with a real horsehair mane and tail that I called “Sugar.”

MY brother and then my sister (almost ten years younger than I) used and loved it and then, while I was in college and not paying attention, my mother got rid of it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I didn’t have a stuffed animal. I had a real pony named Dusty. Does that count?

muppetish's avatar

A plush white rabbit-puppet that I named Snowflake. Eventually, the fur turned gray, one ear fell off (and my mum sewed it back on the wrong way) and though I bought a second one at a thrift shop, it could not replace my cherished first. I had many stuffed animals, though. My current most-cherished one is an orange triceratops that I bought at University Studios. Her name is Sir My. One day, my significant other are going to write a children’s book about Arthurian dinosaurs :)

@gailcalled That reminds me of the Skin Horse from the Velveteen Rabbit :)

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I guess. But I am suddenly pissed at my own parents.

Blackberry's avatar

My favorite stuffed animal is a female…...

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Don’t be pissed at them. I grew up on a farm. We used them for work too. But boy that was fun to just go tearing across a field as fast as he could go. And he was fast.

Berserker's avatar

I had two. A stuffed bear wearing lumberjack overalls, called Balourd. And Garenne, a mostly yellow rabbit puppet that my mom made for me. You stuck your hand in the head, and the body was pretty much a small blanket. Loved those guyss to death.
The names I gave them, I took from a cartoon I used to watch, called Les Contes de la ForĂȘt Verte. (Fables of the Green Forest) I barely remember much about it, was way too young, but the two stuffies followed me quite late in my life. I lost them in my late teens, but I have no idea how, and I don’t know where they ended up. sad
I also had this cool purple dragon I called Bruno. You could stick him inside out, and turn him into a ball. :D

marinelife's avatar

Sausage Dog was my stuffed dachshund. I still have him I think. My Mom sewed new eyes on him and sent him to me my first year in college while I was away. I treasured that even though most of his fur was worn off.

gailcalled's avatar

My daughter had a 3’ stuffed Smokey The Bear. As his stuffing began to leak more and more, I patched him up with duct tape until he was predominately a large, shining, silver object.

jonsblond's avatar

Curious George. I really loved that monkey. May he rest in peace.

cookieman's avatar

I had a bunch of stuffed animals. My favorite was “Hippy” the what else Hippopotomous.
my naming wasn’t very inventive.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

A boy I had a crush on in the second grade gave me a big, soft gorilla for my birthday that year. He had buttons for eyes and a button nose, so I named him… Buttons. I still have Buttons, and I’m 32. He’s tucked away safely, in a box, for my grandchildren to play with.

Only138's avatar

I had a little German Shepherd named “Duke”. I still have him. He’s all raggedy and beat to shit, but he’s stuck with me all these years. (except now he occupies a spot on a shelve, not in the bed) :)

Harold's avatar

Eric the panda

SpatzieLover's avatar

A dog named Henry was one of the first stuffed toys I had that I slept with as a wee babe.
Now I have a little angel with that name

TexasDude's avatar

A light brown teddy bear named Cuddles. I still have him.

rojo's avatar

Patrick Aloisous – A Scotty Dog
Teddy – A teddy bear (duh) that I still have. My mother saved it and gave it to me about 25 years ago. He is a little worse for wear with the stitching in one eye half gone and a large percentage of his “fur” missing but he is still Teddy.

Bellatrix's avatar

I have a teddy bear I was given just after my mum died. He is a little worse for wear now but I still love him. His name is Teddy.

I also had a dll called Michelle. The Beatles song was out when I first got her.

Keep_on_running's avatar

I never had one, or I did but don’t remember. I feel like I don’t remember that much from my childhood. o_O

Bent's avatar

I had a stuffed lion called Bonzo, from the age of about 2. I still had him when I was 19 because I took him into hospital with me when I had major surgery, but he was pretty ragged by then. I suspect he’s still at my mum’s house, hidden away in a box with all the other childhood things I couldn’t bear to part with but didn’t want to take with me when I moved out.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Mr Fox and Max. Mr Fox was indeed a fox and Max was a dog (originally meant to be a Shar Pei but since his wrinkles fell out he looks more like a Boxer!)

cwilbur's avatar

I have a stuffed tiger named Ridge. (It’s short for Original Tiger, since several other stuffed tigers followed after him, and until then he was just called Tiger.)

jazmina88's avatar

a raccoon named Blue Eyes. 40 yrs gone

fundevogel's avatar

When I was a kid it was “hospital bear”. It came from a woman who made bears for kids in the hospital. She understuffed them so they’d be easier for sick kids to hug or at least I think that was the reasoning for the understuffing. Regardless it made the bear far more huggable than the stiffer animals from stores.

Right now I only have one stuffed animal. It’s a bat I call “Buzz Fledermaus” because his tag included a German translation and it reminded me of the song. My mom gave him to me while I was in college, but he’s always kicking around my bed.

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