Do you find this Obama "Chia Pet" hilarious or offensive?
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Neither. I find it depressing that someone will drop $20 on something like this to either make their guests laugh. Even worse, won’t there be someone out there who will buy this and think they are making some kind of political statement?
It’s offensive. It’s holding the President of the United States up to derision.
I like the “Determined Pose” one. Collect all nine.
@tom_g You guys are being vague. What kind of “political statement” could that imply?
@Dutchess_III: “You guys are being vague. What kind of “political statement” could that imply?”
Like buying George Bush toilet paper? I don’t know. I have no idea why this would exist. It’s just sad that it is being sold – not in an offensive way. Just that we live in a culture that will try to sell sh*t we don’t need, and this is something that makes no sense to me at all. I can imagine that someone who hates Obama will buy this and think, “wow, I’m so anti-Obama, I have a Chia pet version of him”. Or there will be the Obama fan who will buy one and think, “I love Obama so much, I have a Chia pet version of him”.
The whole idea of this sitting in someone’s double-wide just fills me with sadness.
George Bush toilet paper IS offensive. It’s a reference to shit.
How is a reference to the fact that Obama has hair typical of black people in any way offensive?
@Dutchess_III: “How is a reference to the fact that Obama has hair typical of black people in any way offensive?”
Wait – what? Are you asking this question to me? I have stated twice now that it is not offensive. It’s stupid and sad.
So… we’re expecting chia pets to be tasteful decor now? That sounds a little unreasonable to me.
It’s growing a chia afro. How is that not offensive?
Neither. Not even the colour is right.
I say offensive. I would find any President made into a chia pet offensive. Somehow I would be ok with a bobble head though.
Harmless parody IMO. If I were Obama I’d collect them all. lol
I think that anyone in the public eye better maintain a good sense of humor because it is inevitable that one will be made a laughing stock at one point or another. Being able to laugh at ones self is truly a pinnacle of mental/emotional health.
I think there should be Presidential cookies too, maybe even dog biscuits. Feeding politicians likenesses to dogs would be greatly amusing. ;-)
Afros are offensive? Or is it just black people hair that’s offensive?
Sorry @tom_g. Misunderstood you!
I wondered if they had to get his permission first?
I find them ridiculous and a waste of money.
Disclosure: I am NOT a fan of the Chia pet, but I still think it’s harmless inanity.
I can’t tell if it’s racist or just stupid.
It’s so offensive that I will need years of psychotherapy to recover from the hurt feelings it has caused me. I nearly drowned in my own tears after clicking the link, and I’ve embarked on a letter-writing campaign to take the Chia people down. I will not rest until they are all dead.
I think the green hair is rather striking, maybe time for a presidential makeover? haha
Besides, look at it this way, you could always give him a shampoo with round up and then watch his hair turn yellow. lolol
Breaking news in the supreme court case of Creole Bastard v. Chia Pet Inc. No business shall portray any doll or figure having any phenotypical characteristics at all.
Looks like he should be shooting baskets for the Boston Celtics.
I find all Chia pets to be offensive. I think they’re fucking stupid….especially the Scooby Doo one. Leave Scooby alone for Fuck’s sake. Its bad enough he’s got a little bitch like Scrappy nippin’ at his heels. :)
A rather bizarre object and not worth $19.99.
When people made fun of Bush it was because he was not that bright, This product just sort of plays on Obama being black, so LAWLAFROSAREFUNNY.
Doesn’t really offend me though, there are much worse ones like the “Don’t Re-Nig in 2012” bumper stickers.
Loved your answer @Blackberry “No business shall portray any doll or figure having any phenotypical characteristics at all.” Now how are we going to reinforce that? What color do we make his eyes and his skin and stuff? Bush colored? :)
Guys…I heard about it before I looked it up and it just cracked me up! I don’t see a thing offensive about it. OK, so he doesn’t have green hair, but other than that, I thought it was a marvelous thought. “That’s perfect!” Especially when it’s shorter, like how he wears it but…ever wonder what the President might look like in a ‘fro? (Am I being offensive by even suggesting such a thing? He can grow a ‘fro. Because he has the kind of hair. Is that a negative trait?)
Other presidents were made into chias and I haven’t heard any bitching that those are offensive. I think people want to be offended by it just because he’s black, and God forbid you ever do anything with a black person’s likeness that could even slightly be mistaken for sarcasm or humor. See the shit? See the fan? Wait for it…
I can just imagine the backlash if money were changed, and suddenly Obama’s face was on the one dollar bill. There would be all kinds of “WTF? He just rated the one dollar bill? Does that mean you think black people are poor/cheap?” And that would happen.
People find too much bullshit to be offended over these days and all the PC garbage pisses me the hell off. So Obama is now a chia pet. Does that impact your life in any way? Hell no.
For the record- I think chia pets are completely stupid anyway, but if someone else wants to spend their money on it, I couldn’t care less.
Don’t hold back now @Will WorkForChocolate iam the Conqueror. Tells us how you really feel. :)
Sorry, shit like that gets my dander up.
@WillWorkForChocolate: “People find too much bullshit to be offended over these days…”
No sh*t. This is probably the most puzzling of life’s mysteries. I think I’d rather know why/how reasonable people take “offense” to things rather than know the origin of the universe.
For people looking for things to be offended about, there will always be something that suits that agenda.
In a world with more adjectives than I can count, offensive and hilarious are nowhere near the ones I would pick.
I dunno, I think my word is “benign”. Nothing to get your knickers in a twist over.
Actually, I think if everyone had a Chia head of themselves we’d take ourselves a whole lot less seriously. haha
As long as he gets a cut of each sale I have no problem with it.
I won’t be offended unless this becomes the Question of the Day.
It is not funny, and it is mildly offensive. I would simply say it is in bad taste, much like my Kobe Christmas ornament, my McDonalds hawaiian shirt, or the Boxing Nuns calendar my wife won’t let me have.
Where were all the complaints when Mr. T had his own Chia?
It’s just a chia, people. :P
I don’t think it’s funny, or particularly offensive, I just think it’s stupid and a waste of money. Who would pay for that?
Sadly, my brother thought a Chia Pet trio made a great birthday present for me several years ago. He was equally disappointed with the pebbles I brought him from Jim Morrison’s grave.
@Hain_roo That is an O. Henry calibre tragedy.
@Trillian OK, maybe “hilarious” is too strong of a word. But when when my co-worker told me about it I did start laughing hard enough to stop for a sec and lean over and put my hands on my knees for a moment. It’s just too perfect!
@jonsblond There ARE no complaints…except the one I started here! This isn’t anything I found on the web. My co-worker told me that she’d found it, knowing I’d get a kick out of it. And I did. But it was other co-worker’s reaction at a casual meeting this morning, when she mentioned it, that got me to thinking…and posting.
OK @Trillian Let’s reduce “hilarious” to “get a kick out of.” There is absolutely nothing offensive about it.
Getting offended by shit like this is just plain stupid. Literally, unless you are Obama, you should not find this offensive.
I have a feeling Obama would laugh too, if he hasn’t already. Would you be “offended” if they made a Chia Pet out of your likeness? I wouldn’t. I would laugh. :)
@Dutchess_III yeah, no, I just meant… I don’t know if I would even try to some up with one word adjectives in this case. ‘Waste of money’ springs to mind. ‘Pointless wast of money, time and space” is another. I remember seeing these as a child and even then my logic circuits just went round and round. What do you do with it after the crap grows out? Is there a Chia harvest? The stupid plants are sure to die, probably rather quickly. Then what? Do you buy Chia plant refills? What’s the point?
I would think it’s more like musicians when they say that if you’ve had a song parodied by Weird Al, you’ve sort of made it!
Obama has now simply joined the ranks of those who have done before him to be immortalized in cheap, ceramic American Kitsch.
Poor dope.
The one word which springs immediately to my mind is TRITE. And rather pointlessly trite at that. These chia creations have been around for half of forever so one of Obama is pretty much inevitable since hes a public figure.
Its not as if they’re singling him out for ridicule or something so how can it be offensive? Just because his hair is similar in texture, are they supposed to refrain from making a chia out of him? Would that prohibition then need to be extended to any and all black folks who become public figures? How ridiculous !
Its a chia. Thats all it is. Anyone who finds it offensive really needs to get a grip. There are far more racially insensitive things in life which have real impact in serious situations (such as an unarmed black teenager shot to death with no accountability for the shooter.)
Lmfao I want one of those.
I was searching for a Bill Clinton (you know, our 1st black president~) chia and I came across these. (just thought I’d share) :D
@Coloma Oh man, I’d get a horde of those.
@Symbeline @Coloma what a satisfying noise they would make when you lopped off the top of one of their heads!
You know, after sleeping on it, I realized that because my hair is so curly, I too, often have an Afro. I am now offended…
It’s idiotic; stupid; predictable; a waste of money; in poor taste, at best; unfortunately typically bad humor in parts of our society. On the other hand, I like sick jokes.
I wonder what Obama thinks of it?
@Symbeline I dunno, but if I were him, I’d buy one and give it to Michelle on her birthday as a joke. :D
…I suspect it made him chuckle….
Perhaps he’ll dye his hair green for St Patrick’s day.
I’m offended
that I don’t have my own Chia!
My feelings are all bruised :(
I wouldn’t be surprised if he has one on his desk. He seems to have a good sense of humor.
Some seem to be taking my question to be “I love Chia Pets. Do you?” So let’s get this cleared. I too think Chia Pets are a ridiculous waste of money, too, and I’d never buy one. But obviously they make someone some money or they wouldn’t still be around after a million years.
So, the question is not what I think of Chia Pets. The question is was it a racist statement? I say no. I thought it was great. When the plant is short it has almost exactly the texture of Obama’s hair, because that is kind of the texture of most black people’s hair when it’s short. Does mentioning that make me racist?
I agree with those that say Obama would get a chuckle out of it. He’s a strong, confident man who doesn’t see racist slander under every rock, and who manages to ignore the actual racist shite he has to deal with.
@Dutchess_III Some seem to be taking my question to be “I love Chia Pets. Do you?”
Really? I’ve never known a person to take a Chia Pet seriously, and I didn’t notice anyone here taking it seriously. Maybe you are fighting some feelings you don’t want to admit to? C’mon. You love the Chia. Say it.
LOL!! NOOOOO! NO! Just some of the posts simply say that Chia Pets are a stupid waste of money, and I agree. But that wasn’t the question. The concept was the question. (SOMEbody must like them though, or they wouldn’t still be on the market!)
I want one so I can stroke the hair/grass and feel inspired. Kind of like when I rub the boyfriend’s belly for serenity.
After re-reading, the two actually have nothing to do with each other. I just like rubbing things.
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