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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - If you had your second chance, when would you really have preferred to lose it, where and with whom?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) March 31st, 2012


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13 Answers

DeanV's avatar

Wouldn’t have done it any differently.

john65pennington's avatar

Both of us at the same time. No more comments.

filmfann's avatar

I waited for it to be very special, with someone I loved deeply.
I got into a very sexual relationship with someone I loved deeply, but we did everything BUT the deed.
When she dumped me, I simply took the first opportunity. I was very sorry I did that.

If I could have a second chance, I would take up that girl who cared deeply for me in High School, and begged me to do it. I wanted to wait, and didn’t recognize the value of someone else’s affection to it.

janbb's avatar

Exactly when and where I did.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

If I had a second chance, I would have given it to any other boyfriend, instead of the pedo that originally took it.

Akua's avatar

I would have waited. Definately, The guy I gave it to wasn’t worth it but now that I’m thinking about it none of the men I’ve had sex with was really worth it until I met my current husband. I wish there was a way I could have waited for him.

Bellatrix's avatar

I wouldn’t change anything. I am happy with the choice I made. He was a sweet young man. Not especially talented in bed but sincere and in love with me and I with him.

Hain_roo's avatar

Wouldn’t change a thing. But I wouldn’t have married him 2 years later if I could go back…

tranquilsea's avatar

Sadly and frustratingly that choice was taken out of my hands. If I could change history I would have waited until my hubby.

PurpleClouds's avatar

I was with my husband. Nothing to regret.

FutureMemory's avatar

I wouldn’t change a thing, except for the time of day that it happened – she had to leave for work about 45 minutes later, so spending the day alone on that day kinda sucked. Also, right after she got off work we headed to her parents house for the weekend, so we couldn’t properly be together again for two more days.

I’m thrilled with who it was with :) Great girl I loved for many years.

Ela's avatar

I wish I could have a second chance but when you change the past, you change the present. Looking at my children, I wouldn’t change a thing up to minute my youngest was born.

Rebecca_SJ's avatar

I have no regrets. I would almost certainly do it the same way.

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