Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

What are some things in life, that have no monetary value to you?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) April 2nd, 2012

A friend made this statement to me and with her permission, I would like to make her statement in the form of a question.

Question: what are some things in life, that have no monetary value to you?

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16 Answers

chyna's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@chyna Huh I thought at first, they’re priceless, but you just put a different spin on it. GA

Cruiser's avatar

Free time specifically time off from work. Vacation time with my family. I told my old boss I would rather get another weeks vacation instead of a raise. The a$$hole gave me the raise.

Blackberry's avatar

My body. Unless I really need the money.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My kids. Paddling around our pond at sunset. Road trippin’ on a Sunday.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

To me personally: Nascar, Westernwear, mayonnaise, most of music piped in over satellite as Pop/Adult Contemporary, frankenstein platform heels and wedgies domestic beer.

woodcutter's avatar

Good times…priceless

Pandora's avatar

Beauty of nature.
Warm April showers,
First snow fall
Playing in the snow
Swimming in a clean ocean
A warm summer breeze.
Good health
(already said, Love ones would be my top choice)
Oh, the sound of childrens laughter
Oh, my dog laying next to me and pushing his back against mine and then letting out a sigh as he falls asleep. .
I can continue on but the rest involves nature and animal.

rojo's avatar

Everyone except for @Neizvestnaya seems to have answered in the positive or priceless vein while I interpreted the question in a negative or worthless light. When I reviewed the question again, it was because of the term “monetary value”. Evidently I hold this in a very negative light.
@john65pennington have I interpreted this wrong?

gondwanalon's avatar

Good health.

linguaphile's avatar

Seeing stars reflected on a calm lake at night.

jazmina88's avatar

The view of God from my yard swing.

My rescue pup.

a garden

a fire in the winter

ragingloli's avatar

Apple products, especially iphones and other assorted scum.
And by that I mean, it is worthless to me.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Everything that is important to me that I don’t want to sell. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK. Let’s answer for @rojo, things that could have monetary value to some, but don’t to you:

My #1: CHIA PETS!!!!!

28lorelei's avatar

A stethoscope.
Ok, yes, it would be cool, but what would I do with it? I guess if I were a doctor, it would be more useful.

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