I’m bipolar, too, and I spent most of my life since I became bipolar not explaining things in the real world while talking about it ad nauseum in the virtual world. I highly recommend “explaining,” because I find that I am explaining to myself as well as to others. It helps me figure out what is me and what is the disorder.
As to relationships with other people—well, I guess you have to explain what you need to explain in order for them to understand. Most people have no clue. They think all kinds of shit about us—mostly that if we really wanted to, we could “snap” out of it. We’re just being lazy and indulging ourselves.
So, when necessary, I find myself explaining that bipolar is a problem with brain chemistry. It’s not a character problem. Of course, I much prefer the character problem explanation when I am sick, because that allows me to feel worse about myself. Even though I can’t help it, I feel like I should be able to help it. Therefore there is something wrong with my character, and I must be even more worthless than I thought.
It’s time to start thinking about killing myself. Or if not that, at least leaving home and living as a homeless person until I die. That way, I suffer more before I die.
I have a group I go to that is full of bipolar people. We can talk about this shit there and everyone understands. That really helps take the edge off being forced to talk to people who don’t understand and need constant explanations.
It’s even better to get better and not need to explain your behavior. But that can take a long time.
The other thing about being around other crazy people is that you can take pride in your behavior. We’re different. So the fuck, what? You know what I mean? Whose business is it? All people are different. If we happened to be depressed more, so what? It’s the way we fucking are and it’s none of your business to judge me. It makes us smarter and more creative. It makes us more interesting. We make big contributions, so get off your fucking high horse and show some empathy instead of the cavernous insides of your hairy nostrils!
Now piss off. I’m going to have a beer with people who are truly crazy!
God, how I wish I could say that some time!