Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

If the FCC had given the license to CB Operators, instead of cellphones, how would this have effected communications as we now know it?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) April 3rd, 2012

CB operators fought hard to have the FCC award them the license for broadcast towers, instead of commerical cellphone broadcasters. Just think, if we did not have cellphones today, but instead had a nation on the “good buddy” network, how would you feel about sharing with the truckers?

Question: would you have been satisfied to share mobile communications with the truckers? Would cellphones communications have suffered and not near the accessability as we know it, today?

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6 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How would that have worked? CB is transceiver to transceiver, and cell/mobile is transceiver to tower and backhaul with a backbone wired network.

marinelife's avatar

Come back, good buddy?

john65pennington's avatar

All of the communication towers, that were built for cellphones, would have been given to the truckers for cb communications.Their communications would have gone into a tower and rebroadcast, just like sattelite communications.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t think it would have effected communication very well. It would have tied up resources that few people used. It would have had a deleterious affect on the overall communications system, as well.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Still does not compute.
Cell towers are connected to a wired network and CB are direct connection with no network or wires required.

filmfann's avatar

Breaker breaker. This here is film-buddy coming to you from outside Shakey-town.

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