Social Question

Pandora's avatar

What would you say?

Asked by Pandora (32523points) April 4th, 2012

Ok, so someone found an article they thought was very moving and I did not find it so moving as they did. All I could see was a poorly written essay. As I read it all I could think was the a 15 year old was writing like a 10 year old. I understand he was writing from his emotions but I found I couldn’t help wonder if his conflict was the cause of the poor grammar or was is it a lack of education.
The person who sent me the story wants to know what I think. What would you say?

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12 Answers

Pandora's avatar

BTW, I know I am not one who should throw stones about grammar but its been over 30 years since I’ve been in a classroom. I do what I can when I remember.

zenvelo's avatar

Say something like, “I understand his feelings, but I wish he were better at communicating them.” Or “it’s too bad he doesn’t write well enough, he has some good ideas but can’t express them well.”

Blackberry's avatar

Unless you think this person is mentally unstable and might hurt you depending on your opinion, I don’t see what the big deal is…...Say whatever you want.

dabbler's avatar

Is the person who sent you the story the person who wrote it ?
In either case, give an honest opinion, they asked. If it’s the author maybe a little more gently.
“Good story, needs work to get it across well” etc.

Trillian's avatar

Truth. Sugar coat it or don’t. My philosophy has always been; “If you want sugar coating, buy a doughnut.” Stand-by with editing suggestions and specifics.

Pandora's avatar

@Blackberry I hate to say this but I think she’s on her cycle. She tends to get all crappy and emotional. I just want to avoid the drama that will follow.

Berserker's avatar

Say the truth, tell what you think. Remain polite. Be constructive if you’re called up for it.

Blackberry's avatar

@Pandora It seems pretty unfair that you even have to deal with her. If I have to walk on eggshells that much just to interact with someone, I would limit my contact as much as possible.

Trillian's avatar

@Blackberry has a very good point. ANd if you already know what will happen, then it sounds like a pre-fab script this person has with various people. You have to take your part in the script. The minute you change the script, another one is waiting with starring as the hurt and offended person while you placate and apologize.
You might be better off ditching her entirely and getting Netflix. That way you can just watch the drama instead of being part of it.

Haleth's avatar

Can you link us the article? I’m insanely curious now.

wundayatta's avatar

It kind of depends your relationship. Ideally, you would be able to tell the truth. But if they don’t want the truth and it is a relationship where you need to keep things good, then you have to lie. Tell them you thought it was good. You liked it. A lot. Whatever you have to say.

This is about the relationship, not the work.

Pandora's avatar

The person is a lovely person when its not that time of the month. Not a bond I could break that wouldn’t break my heart. Three weeks out of the month I can rely on a very sane person. Usually I just avoid her other wise.
@Haleth I didn’t include the article because I felt I may get biased based responses. It is a topic that many here would think me cold hearted for not seeing its sensitive nature. I did see the sensitive nature of it but I’m afraid that its so common place in our society that I find it hard to boo hoo over every sad story that is told.
I fear I have just become jaded to it as I have about most things. So when all was said and done, it was the grammar that most effected me. It saddens me more when someone cannot express their feelings properly.

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