How are you? Really. [4].
This is a semi-annual question I like to ask, and it’s that time again.
A lot goes on in our lives that we keep quiet. We meet family, friends, and neighbors on a daily basis with the question “How are you?”, and we hear the same “Fine, and you?” Our reply is “Fine” more often than not.
Do you mean it? Are you fine?
We’re an anonymous collective here. Take this opportunity to tell us how you really feel. How’s your health? How’s the weather? How are your relationships with your SO, family, friends, coworkers, etc., going? What’s your day like? How’s your job? What’s bugging you personally?
How are you? Really.
I’m okay. I’m poor and loving it. I never thought I could be so content on so little. I have access to health care. I have clean water to drink right from the faucet. I eat well. I’m reading some great books. I have friends who genuinely care about me.
My mental health is up and down. As most of you know, I have bipolar disorder. I take medication for it, but that has some unpleasant side effects. Still, it’s much better than being without medication. My moods are somewhat manageable. I wish I didn’t have bipolar, but I do. I worry about the long-term prognosis, though.
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18 Answers
Tired, broke, super close to being 33 and having my 12 wedding anniversary, a little hungry, my boobs hurt… I’ll let you know if I think of anything else. :D
Ugh. My dad called after more than a year of total silence and then he laid all this shit on me.
My job sucks and I’m poor. I’m going through a funk.
GDI, I typed up this long, awesome answer and then accidentally backspaced and lost it all. Here’s a summary.
@Hawaii_Jake You’re a great jelly and I wish you all the best. It sounds like you’ve got a lot of meaningful things going for you.
It’s taking forever to save up for my short term goals. One person offered some money, but I’m not exactly comfortable taking it. OTOH, their help would make a huge difference and it might be worth it.
Worried about my mom’s health, but staying positive. There have been enough health scares in my family lately. Makes a person appreciate what they have, even it is very little.
I’m happy.
Jake, I am just great! Enough of me, so I would like to tell you of an incident that occured, when this man did not take his bipolar medicen and went on a cocaine binge.
He was missing for three days. His mother called the police and I was one of the officers that answered her call. While there, we received another call of a naked man standing in the street throwing rocks at cars and cussing. I left his mother and went to this location. Her son was a strong and muscular person. He continued to throw rocks at cars and not obeying our orders to lay on the ground. He fought off two officers. It was apparent that he was in a state of dilirium and we would need another tactic to arrest him. One officer sneaked up behind him and went down on fours. Then, three of us attacked him, causing him to fall over the officer behind him. A dilirious person has super strength. Four of us piled on top of him, until he tired out. We then handcuffed him and took him to jail and for evaluation.
I forget to mention earlier, that her son bit a hole in his mothers left jaw. This is how out of it this person was.
This has no reflection on you, whatsoever. My point is for you to continue to take your medication as prescribed.
And, that we are always here to help you, if you need us.
I’m feelin’ pretty groovy, got through my taxes with only moderate pain. lol Today was beautiful, sunny skies and big puffy clouds and I found a cute new spring skirt and new sandles then dropped by my daughters who had the day off and we watched “The girl with the dragon tattoo”, it was really good, we are going to see “The Hunger games” on Tues. I love hanging out with my girl. :-)
Up and down. Survived my final papers and aced both courses, but then my laptop died. I was selected to become a temporary consultant with more hours, responsibility, and potential better pay, but it sucked up all the time from my spring break. Then I got the flu. Now I am negotiating to edit a student’s fantasy novel and make some pocket money. A plumbing fiasco may result in seeing my significant other significantly less this week.
I’m in a bad mood and trying to stay positive.
I am doing…great! I went up a dose on my meds (I’m bipolar as well.) I have been going to a gym trying to lose weight, and feeling pretty good about myself right now. My S/O and I haven’t never been better! :3 I’m just a little afraid of when my crash comes. ; – ;
Wait, you drink right from the faucet?! lol
I’m good… I’m in good health mentally and physically AFAIK, I love where I live, coming up on 35th anniversary with DH(good marriage or pure stubbornness:-))
I am conflicted and confused…trying to figure out what to do with my life
Right now, at this very moment, it’s all ok. That could change in the next minute/hour/day etc but right now I feel fine and that’s all that matters to me.
There are a few things worrying me but hopefully they are all temporary problems that will pass.
I so appreciate your (series of) questions that show sincere concern for your jelly-mates, HawaiiJake.
Other than suffering a bit of insomnia, I’m actually better than I’ve been in some time. I think the last time you asked, I was in a down cycle, and I’m much more cheerful now. My first grandchild is due soon, I’m planning some exciting travel in the near term, the career is going well, and I’m enjoying good health, good weather and a good vibe.
I send good wishes to you all.
I’m struggling a little right now. My children have told me some of the horrible things that my ex is saying about my husband in front of them. Then ex calls me and tells me he doesn’t like the attitude he gets from my husband. WELL DUH! I got so mad at him I lost it. Then ex tells ME to calm down.
Anyway…other than trying to forgive others I’m doing really well. It looks like I’m the third bipolar on this list. I was in a comatose depression all last year and I’ve come out of it. But I cheated. I’m not taking my meds regularly, I upped my intake of caffeine and chocolate, and I exercise like crazy. YES, I KNOW I’m asking for trouble. But by gum! I was in a depression for a year and a half and I’m sick of it. I’ve cleaned my house, fixed clogged drains, registered my car, making menus and eating well, and a hundred other things that I’m enjoying doing.
Thank you HawaiiJake for letting me go off. My hubby has an idea that I’m tempting fate, but not to this extent. Thanks for letting me get it off my chest.
Pretty good, actually. I have a lot more money than I’ve ever had before. Worked out some relationship issues. About to start a new experiment that, if it works, will be awesome and will be the last thing I need to write my thesis.
My mother just got admitted to the psych ward of the local hospital again yesterday. Kind of numb to it all now. My sister has also just gone away for the Easter break, so I am left alone with my stressed-out dad.
Yep, living at home sucks, especially when you are too depressed to care about having your own life. But you know I made a nice orange cake today, which was pretty much the best one I’ve made lately.
I’m so happy I could shit mars bars.
I’m struggling right now, really struggling.
About a month ago I was really ill, (sickness bug – horrid) which wiped me out for a good week. I think I have some sort of post-viral depression because I have not been right since. It also coincides with having lost a serious chunk of my self-empoyed income in a project that had been looking very promising.
Amongst other things, I’ve completely lost motivation (though I’m managing to mimic it in the necessary environments). It’s an underlying glum-ness that is so out of character for me, and I can’t seem to shake it.
(Yes, I’ve been to the doctor; I’m just sharing here.)
Hugs to everyone who needs one. You’ll be in my thoughts. <3
I’m reasonably well, though a bit uncertain at the moment. I seem to owe a lot of money to the IRS, but am hoping I’ve just made a big mathematical error. Re-doing my taxes tonight, with my fingers crossed! My oldest has been accepted to a number of fantastic universities, and received scholarships from all of them, but we still don’t think we can afford any of her top choices. Just kind of holding out hope for better outcomes from both situations. I’m handling the uncertainty better than I would have in the past, so that’s the good news.
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