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Pandora's avatar

Has anyone ever tried the honey and lemon diet?

Asked by Pandora (32544points) April 4th, 2012

Ok, so I was looking up the health properties of honey and found it had many uses. One was to drink it with warm water and lemon in the morning before breakfast. I have done so for two days and the combo has lifted my energy and spirits. I also found it helps a great deal with my work outs. I feel fantastic otherwise.
I am not taking anything else. I am eating wisely. And drinking plenty of water.
For some reason. I sometimes will feel my heart beating a bit weirdly. It doesn’t hurt. Just like a more forceful beat at odd times.
Its only occured since trying this. Is it a coincidence? Or does honey and lemon cause any erratic heart problems?

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19 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I was on a honey and cinnamon jag for awhile. Cinnamon is also very good for you. I’ve also gone on a Braggs vinegar bender a few years ago until I hit the mother of Braggs burnout.. lol
Can’t hurt, might help, but essentially just eating well and exercise is the recipe for any “diet.” ;-)

Pandora's avatar

@Coloma So you don’t think its harmless enough not to cause a reaction from my heart? I was thinking since its a mild detox formula that maybe it would be fine but it got me wondering if any kind of detox can upset the balance in my body and maybe effect my heart beat. I mean it hasn’t happened a lot but just a few minutes sitting here and my heart started to beat quickly again and then stop. I’m not feeling anxious. I was actually getting ready to go to bed and then it happened again. Its just wierd. I’m glad for all the other benefits I’ve been getting from it but I want to make sure the combo is other wise harmless.
So did your body act have any short weird reactions to it that was just short term?

Coloma's avatar

@Pandora Not that I remember, but, if I mega dose on B vitamins I feel rather flushed and can experience a bit of a fast heartbeat. I don’t think honey would cause that kind of reaction, unless you are perhaps mildly allergic or something. Have you done any research? I’d ask your doctor about it if you’re concerned, but maybe you are just having a reaction to your hormones, I have had a racing heart with hot flashes before. haha
I know that a fluttery heart is not uncommon in middle age women and is usually of no consequence.

Pandora's avatar

Correction, have or act weird. Sorry but I’m tired.

Pandora's avatar

@Coloma Thanks. I hadn’t considered the the middle age connection. I don’t think I’m allergic though. I suppose I will look into this more tomorrow. I’m way too sleepy. Have a good night.

Coloma's avatar

@Pandora Yes, you too. I’m off to bed in a minute myself, 11:22 over here, and, come to think of it, I had the fluttery weird heart thing when I lay down in bed last night, but…here I am. lolol ;-) I think you’re fine, my best guess IS the hormone zone.

whitecarnations's avatar

It might not be a heart beat that is weird. Perhaps you are mistaken a pain in the upper left side which could be a simple cramp?

gailcalled's avatar

We were all dosed regularly with honey and lemon in warm water when we were kids and had sore throats.

The ingredients are benign; maybe you are exercising a little too strenuously?

Pandora's avatar

@whitecarnations No its definetly my heart beat. When it thumps hard I can feel the blood also pulsating slightly in the veins of my neck. I was reading that an electrolyte imbalance can make the heart flutter.
But being I think I have enough salt in my diet and drink plenty of water, than it probably is as @Coloma suggests. I am at the start of menopause so it is likely just a coincidence.
@gailcalled Could be as well since I have notice that the honey and lemon have kept my muscles from suffering from fatigue, so I have taken advantage of that fact.

whitecarnations's avatar

@Pandora Could be plaque build up. Check to see if you have pre-hypertension, it can be reversed :D

tranquilsea's avatar

My heart was beating a little irregularly for while and it turns out I was a bit deficient in potassium. Now I just make sure I eat a banana every day.

Pandora's avatar

@tranquilsea Hmm! I wonder if that could be it too. I was eating bananas straight for a week. Not because of any diet. I just craved it and I’m kind of craved out now, so I haven’t had them the days of the problems. I was back to craving it again today.
@whitecarnations I have really low blood pressure any day of the week, even when stressed it only goes up to normal numbers.

Moegitto's avatar

Any crash diet can cause unrepairable damage to your heart if you continue for a long time. Most crash/fad diets deprive your body of certain vitamins and minerals that it needs to function completely. Those diets operate on a basis that the body will “find a way” to function. That’s why the Atkins diet was so popular, you reduced the carbs and increased your protein intake. Your body would make up the loss “energy” by using fat stores. Creating this deficit causes a strain on the body that causes many health problems. People think that the human body is still designed to survive scavenger situations, but we sort of “de-evovled” from scavengers to hunters. The body now expects to have certain nutrients taken in on a regular basis. By depriving the body it thinks it’s being starved and then it begins to hoard what it already has. That’s why people that use these type of diets have a unnatural look to them (extra flab despite being skinny). Adding stuff to your regular diet is advisable because of the health benefits, Honey is a perfect substitute to syrup AND sugar (add honey to your tea or coffee and you’ll never know the difference). Cinnamon is useful when added to your diet, it has been proven to drastically lower blood sugar, which in turns reduces the bodies need to release insulin. Reducing insulin need reduces fat cell reaction, so in turn you end up with a slimmer waistline.

gailcalled's avatar

For those who are adding cinnamon to their daily diet, the health gurus say to use Celyon cinnamon and not cassia (or supermarket stuff).


Pandora's avatar

@Moegitto I agree. That is why I am not on a crash diet. I simply added it to my current diet of eating well. I call it a diet, because that is what we are all on. I eat regular meals, only less fat and starches more vegetables and fruits and cutting back on sweets. But I’ve been eating like that for months. Nothing crazy. I’ve lost 10 lbs in over 5 months time. Because of some health problems I have been made aware of I had to take my food intake more seriously for what it can provide.
Any way, so I decided to add the honey and lemon to simply enhance my over all health. So far I have found it very benificial to giving me energy with my work outs. I can work out longer with less muscle fatigue the next day.

gailcalled's avatar

There is a very large fan club for 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water in the AM as a tonic.

Pandora's avatar

@gailcalled Yeah, I tried that. Bleeecchhh!

gailcalled's avatar

@Pandora: I threw in ¼ organic Concord grape juice that disguised the cider vinegar. But it became tiresome, and I never saw any noticeable improvements in much of anything.

SmartAZ's avatar

It takes about forty nutrients to keep a body alive. Honey has one, so you are expecting a helluva lot from lemons and I am pretty sure you expect too much. That may be the reason for the weird part. Study some books about nutrition so you know a few things. Do it before you die. It’s not natural to live on honey and lemons.

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