What is your most "evil" quality?
Come on, everybody’s got something dirty in their soul, whether it’s close to the surface or deeply buried.
What is your dirtiest, most “evil” quality, hmm?
Why is it so freaking quiet here? It’s like everyone disappeared this week! Oh shit….... rapture?
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80 Answers
I can’t restrain myself from making snarky comments at times for the sake of wit and I have to be right (and always am!) I am trying to work on both but it is a slow process.
Pffft, but you are always right. And I know I’m right about that because I, also, am always right.
My most evil quality is…
I wear white after Labor Day!!!!
Oh please don’t call the Fashion Police on me!!! :)
There is not a single shred of evil inside of us. We are the definition of good.
I’m the guy that’s completely cold and stoic during an argument. It doesn’t help that when I also get upset, my level of wit and sarcasm goes through the roof, making me a passive-aggressive douchebag.
I should also edit to add that this method isn’t my default. I’m capable of arguing like an adult. The “evil” part comes when the argument is escalated to the point where both adults should take a break, but instead keep arguing.
I can make you completely crazy by saying half of
I can be downright vindictive when I am wronged. Hell hath no fury on this woman when scorned.
I love pulling practical jokes. I can be a bit facetious sometimes too.
My evil quality…um….tell you what…you guys tell ME what my evil quality is!
These qualities are not that evil, guys… :D
@Dutchess_III Your “evil” quality is that you flash your thong to people all the damn time. I heard about that poor old nun last week.
I’m not an evil type, at all… I don’t entertain revenge fantasies, I don’t wish evil on others, I don’t struggle with envy and petty jealousies but…I am a force to be reckoned with when someone crosses a line with me. Look out! I am very articulate, a very fast thinker, and choose my words carefully while at the same time leaving no doubt in someones mind as to where they stand with me. I’ll leave you reeling from my tongue lashing. It is doubtful you’ll get any satisfaction out of an argument with me. I have been told that I can be intimidating, not in a negative way but I do exude a very confident and strong personality and most recently I told off a male friend and he was groveling to get back in my good graces. lol
I have zero tolerence for difficult people. ZERO ;-)
I can make a joke out of anything. That could be a positive too, I guess.
I can be (and have been) very calculating and shrewd. It’s kinda scary.
I enjoy hentai. I also have quite a tasteless wit.
I am an attention whore from attractive women, and lead them on sometimes.
I am a mouthy little wench. If someone’s being even slightly annoying, they hear about it.
If I don’t like someone, they know.
I know that I’m a jerk, and do nothing to try to prevent it.
I think babies are ugly. Some people would say that’s evil.
And I get a kick out of reading about serial killers.
I complain that I’m dying all day if I’m sick. I’m a baby about it. Haha.
Also, I’m sick right now. So, I’m dying.
Please don’t die, I love you so.
My most evil quality is that I can be very cold and harsh sometimes. Kinda unfeeling with a heart that seems like stone.
In my case, you’d have to ask if there’s any good qualities in me at all! ^^
@Symbeline You have a great sense of humor, THAT, is always a good quality! Always! :-)
@Symbeline And you do very well in bed too dearest ;)
My wife would probably say it’s my ability to sniff out a pint of Ben and Jerry’s that happens to find its way into our house and polish it off.
@tom_g Oooh, okay, I could get really evil if someone was after my Ben & Jerrys too! lol Step away from the Heath Bar crunch if you know whats good for you.
If I can’t get what I want in a socially sanctioned way, I am willing to get them in an unsanctioned way. However, I hardly think this is evil, since I bend over backwards to make sure no one gets hurt. Clearly there is no certainty that no one will be hurt.
I suppose you could say my greatest evil is selfishness: placing my own needs at the top of the heap. The reason I do that is that if I don’t, then I am likely to perform my greatest evil: killing myself. I may not be a good person, but I am comfortable with my choices. I am taking people at their word that people are better off with me here, but I am always open to the idea that isn’t true, and I’m pretty sure I could easily get into a state of mind where I would gladly relieve the world of my presence.
So, selfishness is good, and don’t you dare tell me otherwise! LOL.
Remember that “where’s the beef?” commercial? I feel like saying, “where’s the evil?”
Vindictiveness. I tend to be rather ruthless to those who unlucky few manage to make it onto my shit-list.
I am absolutely terrible at saying I am sorry. I am very, very proud.
@jerv We have something in common. Wanna team up and make a super human team!
I’m nasty about ignoring people. Probably not really evil. Thats all I got though.
I might as well mention the fact that I regularly murder spiders without regret. I also brutally beheaded a snake once. I’m pretty evil when it comes to destroying creeping, slithering things. <shudder>
I tend to interrupt others people’s conversations inappropriately without being aware that I’m butting in. I know it’s part of my attention deficit disorder, but I have a hard time forgiving myself. It makes me feel insensitive and stupid.
@Sunny2 I do the same thing. A lot. My brain just bounces around and I can’t seem to stop myself. It’s gotta be the ADD. =0)
@Sunny2 @WillWorkForChocolate I’m guilty of this too sometimes and I always joke that I am slightly ADD. haha But, I am also just a fast thinker and make quick associations. Don’t call it ADD, call it free association. lol
My honesty sometimes. I don’t realise until afterwards what I said was rude or insensitive.
It is pretty quiet here right now.
Also, I kill people who put me on their shit-list…some say that’s an evil quality @jerv…
@MilkyWay :P
We’re like two lone wolves wandering about here…
Whenever I see a baby/toddler wailing it’s head off in public, I actually will it’s head to explode, revealing a spinal stump from whence an annoying din did emit but a moment ago.
”Ucme”:http:// Oooooh!! That is evil!!!
I’ll admit to having evil qualities, but not the level of stupidity that would have me discussing them in public.
There’s an old saw that says anyone will confess to a felony on Usenet. I guess anyone will confess to a felony on a social networking site, nowadays.
@Earthgirl Please refrain from capitalising my username or you may suffer a “reality slap” ;¬}
I was just accosted by my nosy old neighbor at my gate this morning. I recognized that I do tend to swear under my breath and plead with the universe to just let this woman NOT stop and try to make small talk with me. lol ” Oh shit, please, NO…don’t talk to me! ”
I guess this could be a bit evil, but seriously, I live on a tiny, dead end road with only 3 homes spread out over 30 acres and this gal is ALWAYS lurking around, and seems to be an expert at catching me in my bathrobe puttering around the yard and then proceeds to talk to me in a state of total obliviousness that maybe, just MAYBE, I’m not in the mood to babble at 8 am when I am still in my PJs and just out to tend to the animals. Bah!
The fact that I’m often willing to sacrifice niceness in order to make a good joke.
UCME whatsamatta? you don’t like capitals???
This question continues to open me. lol
Alright, I am now in touch with a revelation that I think I could be entirely capable of murder when it comes to passive aggressive personalities, yes, it is true. I can see their heads in a basket if I think about it long enough. haha
@Earthgirl London’s okay, Paris too, not so keen on Moscow though.
@Ponderer983 I admire your impeccable taste.
If you’re our mom, do we get happy brownies?
You’re the bestest mom ever!!! <bows in adoration>
Awesome! Can we go purse shopping?
Sure…nothings too much for my girls. :-)
@AshLeigh Oooh, I’ll be your grandma, shit, I need to be a grandma, I’m getting waay too obsessed with my cats. lol
@AshLeigh Yes, it would be! I am always buying stuff for my daughters cat, no cute kitty clothes though. lol I’d love to have another kid to spoil rotton! :-)
Okay, that’s it. We’re all going shopping, and eating happy brownies and ice cream, and watching silly movies, and eating pizza and tacos, and drinking rum, except AshLeigh gets Dr. Pepper and cough syrup, and we’ll have pillow fights and relax in the hot tub, and play with my cats, and shop some more…
Poor AshLeigh…yes, we can’t corrupt such a sweet little thing, yet. lol ;-)
Evil quality: I break the law.
Sorry ladies.
In training for Bad Girl ey? ;-)
Aunt @Symbeline ? Hmm… awkward.
Does this count as incest?
Yeah, stop it or I’ll take you to your room… And hmm, cough syrup.
Now, now girls..put down the slurpees and cough syrup and get ready for bed. ;-p
okay I’m sleepy. But you have to tuck me in!
@Symbeline But of course, good mommies always tuck in the chillins’. I give great back rubbies. :-)
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