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YARNLADY's avatar

Should I give the gift before the birthday?

Asked by YARNLADY (46716points) April 5th, 2012

I bought the gift a month early, but he loves to play with trains. So, do I give him the train now, or wait?

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21 Answers

Pandora's avatar

Wait. He’ll enjoy it even more on his actual birthday.

Fly's avatar

If you can give it to them on their birthday/birthday party, then absolutely wait. If you cannot be there, however, I would say better to give it early than late.

Bellatrix's avatar

I would say wait. I am not sure how old the person is but when their birthday arrives, they will have already had their present. They will feel disappointed even if they know they have had all their presents. (My inner child speaking here probably).

augustlan's avatar

Especially if it’s for a very young child, it’s better to wait. They don’t really understand either delayed or early gratification, you know?

YARNLADY's avatar

He will be three years old on May 5.

marinelife's avatar

Wait. it will be as if you had not given him a gift if you give it early.

Sunny2's avatar

A three year old doesn’t understand time as precisely now as he will later. Wait for his birthday.

JLeslie's avatar

I think you want to give it to him. You can tell him it is a special early bday gift from grandma. Something the kids can laugh about as they get older, how you couldn’t wait, because you knew he would love the gift. Even do an early cupcake with candles. I think he is so young to him it will still be like getting it on his birthday.

JLeslie's avatar

Just to add one more thing, I would bet none of us remember our third birthday, our parents and relatives do. We love to see the excitement on the child’s face on birthdays and Christmas during the gift extravaganza, but at 3 that is all fairly quickly forgotten.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

Tempting, but I would wait. You can have his excitement to look forward to!

That will also help to understand what happens on birthdays…

Sounds like you’re talking about my grandson .. he LOVES trains!!! My grandson will be 3 in August!!!

YARNLADY's avatar

@JustPlainBarb Aren’t they darling at that age? I’m so anxious, but I’ll probably put it in the shed until his birthday. We have taken him to the train museum, where they have Thomas the Train play tables and he spends hours there. We have to carry him home, kicking and screaming.

Bellatrix's avatar

They are adorable at that age @YARNLADY. Your story about your grandson reminded me of an old man I met once. He was 80 when I met him and had been invited to attend the Queen’s 80th birthday celebration and sat next to her at the dinner. When we visited him he showed us his HUGE train set. It was enormous and he used to have all the children from the local school visit him to see the trains. So perhaps your son’s love of trains will be a lifelong thing. I think trains are beautiful. There is something romantic about them.

I am sure he will love his present.

JLeslie's avatar

So cute.

Bellatrix's avatar

I meant your ‘grandson’s’ love of trains.

fluthernutter's avatar

Most people seem to agree that you should wait until his birthday because he is too young to know the difference.

I vote for giving it to him early—for that very same reason. Kids at that age don’t really care what day it is. They’ll be happy whichever day you give it to them.

Plus, if you give it to them early, you can have a special moment with grandma to actually enjoy it. Actual birthdays can be stimulation overload. Too many presents. Too many people.

JLeslie's avatar

@fluthernutter I don’t understand not giving it to him early because he doesn’t know the difference, because he doesn’t know the difference. LOL. Anyway, we agree, we are the minority voice it seems.

augustlan's avatar

The reason I said to wait was because, on his actual birthday, he won’t remember that she already gave him a gift. He will just know that she didn’t give him one on the day that everyone else did give him one. (That’s assuming he’s aware of who each present is from, and that would depend on the birthday party setting and flow.)

JLeslie's avatar

@augustlan That makes sense.

fluthernutter's avatar

@augustlan I don’t think three-year-olds think that way? (Where’s my present from so-and-so?)

Maybe I’m wrong though.
Mine is only 2.5. :P

YARNLADY's avatar

To make matters worse, I give my grandsons presents all the time. I’m thinking of giving him the train table to start with, and then on the happy day, give him the tracks and the train that go with it.

He already has two small floor mat sets he can use and his brother has a car mat set, they can both play with it.

fluthernutter's avatar

A train table is a wow gift. I wouldn’t split it up. Seeing his face light up when he sees it for the first time all set up would be awesome.

I would give everything (that you already bought) to him early, but maybe get him a special train for his actual birthday?

I think there are also blank cabooses that you can paint yourself. That would be something fun (and memorable) to do during his birthday party.

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