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filmfann's avatar

Will you see "Titanic" in 3D?

Asked by filmfann (52538points) April 6th, 2012

James Cameron has rereleased “Titanic” in 3D into theaters.
Most of us have seen it, and many of us have it on video, but this is the ultimate Big Screen movie.
I would have been tempted to see it again on the big screen even if it was in 2D.
Some movies need to be seen in the theaters. This is at the top of the list.
Will you see it again?
What other films would you like to see changed into 3D?

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36 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

Supposedly, Neil deGrasse Tyson watched the original film and noted that the stars in one scene were improperly positioned for the date depicted in the scene and he contacted Cameron to inform him of this. Cameron then corrected the pattern of the stars in the 3D version.

So no.

Blackberry's avatar

I could make more use of 25 dollars.

tom_g's avatar

Why would I when this version is available on youtube?

john65pennington's avatar

Somehow, I feel this was not the right time for a repeat of a movie that is not that old.

Will it regain the money spent on its 3D version?

Only time will tell.

marinelife's avatar

I’m thinking about it. Because I never saw the original, and I think it is a movie that benefits from the big screen.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

When the news came out that Titanic was back out and in 3D, the SO confessed that he had a fleeting moment of considering to see it again just for the ship-sinking portion. Since neither of us cared for the plot, we aren’t going.

If Ang Lee were to redo Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in 3D, we’d camp out in line to buy tickets.

ucme's avatar

Kate Winslet’s rosy red nipples, Kate Winslet’s rosy red nip…........erm, no, the movie was shite in any format.

wundayatta's avatar

I didn’t see it the first time around and I see no reason to see it this time.

janbb's avatar

I don’t need the sinking of the Titanic to seem any more real or scary so no…

Berserker's avatar

Might be surprising coming from me, but I love that movie to death haha.

Still though, I really don’t give a shit about 3D, and I’m not paying a million bucks to see a movie I can see right here in my living room whenever I want, for free.

filmfann's avatar

@tom_g I was surprised you didn’t post this version
@marinelife, @wundayatta and anyone else who hasn’t seen it: It really is a remarkable movie that NEEDS to be seen on the Big Screen. No matter how big your television is at home, it won’t do this justice.
It is easy to dump on this movie, but people forget how good it really is.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I’m willing to pay for Riki-Oh or A Serbian Film in 3D
But the Titanic? Nah, not really.

GoldieAV16's avatar

I could barely sit through it once, then found myself at someone’s house having to sit through it again. That’s 388 minutes of my life I can never get back, but it felt like a lot more than that. I do believe that it might have better on a big screen, but I can’t imagine that it could be that much better. I know a lot of people loved the movie; I’m just not one of them.

6rant6's avatar

Seems like a lot of money when I can nap just as comfortably at home.

flutherother's avatar

No, I prefer movies in 2D.

Hain_roo's avatar

Once was enough for me.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I can’t stand wearing glasses for a movie, plus I’ve already watched that movie about 50 times at home, so… no.

ragingloli's avatar

No. I did not like the original either. Maybe if they cut out the entire romance plot. But otherwise, in the bin with that trash.

GladysMensch's avatar

I can think of no reason for the 3D outside of the few minutes where the ship is breaking apart and sinking. OK, one other scene. Otherwise, what’s the point?

“Did you see that staircase? It looked like you could just walk right up it. And those dishes in the dining room? Wow. And don’t even get me started on the shuffleboard scene!”

mangeons's avatar

I’m not going to, I haven’t even seen the original. I have it on VHS though, and I’m planning on watching it soon! I probably would have watched it already, but it’s just so long!

wundayatta's avatar

There are some emotions that I have had enough of, and I don’t really want to invite more of them into my life. It may be a wonderful movie, but from what I hear, it is a very sad movie. I’ve had enough to cry about in my life over the last few years. So thanks @filmfann, but I’m going to pass. Tragedy isn’t my thing. Not voluntary tragedy, anyway.

mazingerz88's avatar

No, not really. The fictional lovers’ tale is not really a great story. Commercially effective but too bland for my taste. And the real story, that involves the terrible death of those poor people, I feel should not be repeatedly commercialized. Cameron turned their ugly death into a beautifully painted cinematic canvass. What is the whole point of that?

To prove to the world that he is the greatest Hollywood technical genius and moneymaker-?Just think. By going solo, down the deepest part of the world’s ocean, he thinks himself as kind of a great explorer? That he is not only a great filmmaker but is something much more? What a hoot. Why did he stop making movies after Titanic? I assume he feels it is hard to surpass his greatest achievement? Quit while you’re ahead. I think that’s just vain, a cowardice and an arrogance.

It would be more decent of him to let Titanic rest in peace. And hurry up working on the next Avatar and more, more visually spectacular movies.

Aethelflaed's avatar


filmfann's avatar

@jerv I like that! Have you seen Shining?

downtide's avatar

I’m blind in one eye (and not great with the other either) so I can’t experience 3d at all. So no, there’s no point.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Fuck 3d films, especially those that werent originally shot in 3d and then converted.

SuperMouse's avatar

Words cannot describe how much I loathed the movie Titanic. I saw it on the big screen and I’ll tell you what, if they had run into one more locked door while running around the bowels of that ship I might have started a riot. It is right up there with American Beauty, Forest Gump, and Ghost as one of the worst movies of all time.

Have I mentioned that I won’t be seeing it in 3D?

Supacase's avatar

Probably, but I would rather see it on the big screen again in 2D.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am not really that into 3D films. In most films I have seen, I haven’t felt the enhancement was that great or worthwhile. I won’t watch Titanic in 3D.

woodcutter's avatar

We hardly get out to the movies. I don’t want to waste the one or two times we go to see one I have seen already. I’m sure it will be good.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@SuperMouse couldnt agree more except American Beauty, what did you find so bad about that movie?

OpryLeigh's avatar

To be honest, going to the cinema is so expensive now (at least here in the UK) that I probably wouldn’t spend the money on a film that I have already seen quite a few times. I’m not too bothered about the whole 3D experience and, so far, it hasn’t made me enjoy a film anymore than seeing it in 2D so that’s not much of a selling point for me either.

I do agree that it is a great film but I saw it in the cinema a couple of times the first time around.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I have been disappointed in every 3D movie I have seen so far, so no. The 3D is barely noticeable. Maybe I just have too good of peripheral vision. I just don’t get that “jump out at you” 3D feeling that they do so well in the 3D movies at Disneyland. And I hate going to the theaters – I would rather watch on my big screen at home. Screaming kids, sticky seats, obnoxious patrons, teenagers flashing their cell phones, people who smell bad sitting close to you, crazed gunmen . . .

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