Social Question

ucme's avatar

If you were suddenly gifted the power of flight, your initial destination could well be?

Asked by ucme (50052points) April 6th, 2012

Somewhere distant & exotic, or a TV news station, or a friends house, or an enemies head to poo on?

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17 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I’d just fly around my beautiful hills and river over here and maybe dive bomb a few people just for fun. No pooping on the fly, a human doody on a windshield could cause a terrible accident.

King_Pariah's avatar

Detroit. Reason: To see someone, not interact with, but just to see how they’re doing.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

I’d fly over the Pacific Coast around San Diego!! I just love it there. It would be wonderful to soar like an eagle there.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I was going to say something like a tropical island, but since you mentioned defecating on enemies, I’m going to take a huge one on RIAA headquarters.

Hain_roo's avatar

Up the east coast to Boston’s North Shore.

mazingerz88's avatar

Can I fly like Superman? Or just a dove? If Superman, I would have fun tapping on the windows of jet fighters and commercial airplanes to get the pilot’s attention. Then do some swim strokes in mid-air. Dog-paddle or the Butterfly stroke.

If a dove, then probably to work. So I could save on gas.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’d first visit my best friend in Wales, and then I’d fly to meet @ucme for no good reason other than to leave foul scents in his bathroom.

marinelife's avatar

I’d start out slow so to a nearby tree.

Charles's avatar

Nude beaches.

Sunny2's avatar

I fly frequently in my dreams. Only recently have my flights taken me high enough to fly over small but tall islands with green grass on their high flat tops. I landed onto the top of one or two of them. I don’t know where they are, but I’d like to fly over them for real. I’ll take a picnic lunch and a friend with me his time.

Berserker's avatar


ucme's avatar

@mazingerz88 You may fly however you wish, grow rotar blades even. That may prove a little nautious though.
@Hawaii_Jake No need to drop by, a foul stench lingers within your putrid remark, oh bitter thespian…woe, woe is me. Warm round of applause, bows centre stage.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ucme Absolutely. Especially if I’m the rotor blade. Wheeeee!

Kardamom's avatar

That is a gift I would gladly give back. I’m afraid of flying. I had several bad experiences flying when I was a little kid that gave me a phobia. Tried to get over it in my mid 20’s but then had another bad experience and vowed never to do it again.

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