What's the favorite way you have to decorate yourself?
Jewelry? Tattoos? Hair styling? Clothing? Shoes? Perfume?
How do you adorn yourself? What do you use as personal ornamentation that you’d like to share with the collective?
I love very bright, colorful aloha shirts. I also love a certain gold and jade ring I bought while living in Singapore.
Possibly my favorite way of expressing personal pleasure is with lei hulu or Hawaiian feather hat bands. I love to wear Panama hats with a feather lei. I have six hats and 4 feather leis.
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29 Answers
Tattoos, piercings, and minimal “regular” jewelry.
I love big earrings, the bigger and brighter the better.
Jeans, black shoes, and a button up shirt/V-neck sweater.
During the Summer, it’s shorts, flip flops, and polo shirts.
I’m an individual :P
I wear nice dress shoes. Meeting clients today so I wore the Allen Edmonds’. Power shoes for $100 from Nordstrom Rack, oh yeah.
Also have substantial hiking & work boots. And great biking shoes.
OK, I am sounding like Imelda Marcos now
A little lipstick and an eyebrow pencil. My smile is the best decoration I have, and for that I’m grateful.
I have pierced ears, and I really like wearing earrings. Sometimes if the outfit cries out for it, I add a necklace.
@jaytkay : I love Allen Edmonds’ shoes, too. I have 2 pair that I rarely get to wear here, but I keep them anyway.
My favorite decoration? Holding my wife’s hand.
@Hawaii_Jake I love Allen Edmonds’ shoes, too. I have 2 pair that I rarely get to wear here, but I keep them anyway.
They will outlast you. They can bury you in those shoes. I say put it in your will!
I like my hair to be pretty and in great condition. Shiny, healthy hair is one of the loveliest things I think.
Simple make-up. I don’t like to look ‘made up’ but I like to use make-up to enhance what I have.
I have quite a few pieces of lovely jewellery that I like – I tend to wear a few favourite pieces mostly.
Painted (subtle colours) toe and finger nails.
My favorite decoration? Holding my wife’s hand.
Awwww, indeed! Dammit we can’t give two great answers!
@jaytkay Who says we can’t give more than great answers? You can answer again right now!
I have this one necklace – and I wear it nearly every day. It’s sort of a “signature” piece I suppose. I wear this simple necklace and my wedding rings, my husband’s wedding band (it fits on my right hand, middle finger) – and the same pair of earrings. Very simple pieces, and the same ones every day. I’m not dressed without these few bits.
@jaytkay, perhaps if @filmfann shows this to his wife she will give him an extra special ‘GA’ present!
I gave @filmfann a GA for such a sweet answer!
I’d get arrested if I decorated myself in my favorite way. I think people look most beautiful au natural. Not that I’d look beautiful, but I would feel most comfortable if I never had to think about decorations of any sort ever again. I do not enjoy decorating myself one bit!
@ragingloli Holy crap. That looks like the last boss of like, 60% of the JRPG’s out there! i want that armor
@Answer Not much, besides minor jewelery. I liked the Goth gettup for a long time though. I was a mainstream Goth, but fuck it, that’s what I liked. I still do, I just can’t be arsed these days.
Ear piercings, with very simple tiny hoops. That’s about it, I guess. Every once in a while, I’ll wear some make up, and be reminded that I really ought to make that effort more often. I’m just way too lazy.
Haven’t yet figured any thing out on this. I think I’m marvelous being plain and nondescript. Many people I meet think I’m someone they know. I get that a lot. Maybe that’s why.
Shoes…definitely shoes. I have quite a collection- more pairs of shoes that I can keep track of, and not cheap ones, either. It actually might be a problem. This pair is my most recent acquisition. (For my senior prom, though I like to consider it an investment piece to justify the price. ;) )
If my hair looks good then I feel good!
I find that certain styles of clothing suit my personality and figure and that gives me confidence.
I look best naked.
But since we have to wear clothes in (most) public places, I sometimes paint my jeans, and I wear a few necklaces. I Also have my ears pierced, and I recently started stretching them. I also have a stud in the side of my nose, and my septum is pierced. Also, I have a gloriously stupid haircut.
Mini dress & high heels, topped off nicely with a bowler hat & rugby socks.
@ucme : I always pictured you in a fishnet body suit. The high heels are expected.
@Hawaii_Jake Well, as delightful as that sounds, things my penis do have a habit of poking out of fishnets, kind of ruins the aesthetics, depending on your point of view of course.
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