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chyna's avatar

Who wants to help give a big hand to King_Pariah for reaching 10K?

Asked by chyna (51731points) April 7th, 2012

It’s party time in the mansion again! King_Pariah has hit 10K in record time!

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52 Answers

Ayesha's avatar


syz's avatar

A big hand to King_Pariah! Congratulations!

SavoirFaire's avatar

Well done, @King_Pariah! As your reaction will likely amount to “10K? Huh… whatever,” we’ll all just have to celebrate double for you!

flutherother's avatar

10Kongratulations! (I managed to get in early for once.)

wundayatta's avatar


Sunny2's avatar

Best wishes and congratulations. Here’s something you might want to know. Behind the mansion, about 3 minutes down the path to the right, there is a wishing well. Wish well.

TexasDude's avatar

Congratulations, sir. I always enjoy your contributions, and have for a long time.

cookieman's avatar

Nice job sir! Congratulations.

wilma's avatar


Nullo's avatar

Happy 10k!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey, I just looked around . There’s no pariah here. Just people looking to celebrate.
Congrats on the 10k!

mazingerz88's avatar

I’ll give two BIG HANDS! Congrats! I wish that Indian god with like 12 hands is a jelly so she could give a dozen big hands! : )

tom_g's avatar

Congrats! You’re in good company ;)

tedibear's avatar

Congratulations! Great work!

augustlan's avatar

Congrats, KP! Party on, dude!

Judi's avatar

Seriously? I thought you would be having a 20 K party by now. I guess you just stand out when you speak. Congrats!!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This is exciting news! The 10K mansion will get shaken up really well now. Congratulations!

stardust's avatar

Arrah, sure ‘tis a fine day for your shindig. Congratulations :-)

gailcalled's avatar

You have earned the right to be ostracized even more ostentatiously and vehemently than before this momentous event. Well done.

Like this outcast or this one. It’s another way of saying that you are an individual.

jca's avatar

Hail to the King! Hail to the King! Congrats! Excellent job, King!

MilkyWay's avatar

Even though he threatened me with many horrible situations, like gluing me to my seat and letting bees through my window, he is most definitley one of my faves here on Fluther.
Congratulations to you King_Pariah, I love seeing you around <3
And I plan to shave off all your hair once you’ve passed out by the end of the night.

bkcunningham's avatar


Trillian's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

What a night for a party! Congo-rats

Bellatrix's avatar

Hail @King_Pariah… obviously you aren’t a Pariah because look how many people are here already saying well deserved congrats!

Seaofclouds's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats That was fast. I’ve always appreciated your input.

Buttonstc's avatar

That was really quick. Congrats on a job well done. Good for you.

DaphneT's avatar


ETpro's avatar

Aha! My very favorite pariah moves into the mansion. Welcome to your new and well deserved digs. Congratulations are in order. It takes great patience to make it.

linguaphile's avatar

Ahhh, you too!! Welcome, and congratulations!!!!

Berserker's avatar

I challenge you to a duel! Congrats, man. :)

tinyfaery's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Ya got soul bro. Cheers!

jazmina88's avatar

King!!! Congrats!!

You are the best type of Pariah. <3

and a good jelly to boot.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Great job! You’re a fun jelly ☺

harple's avatar

Hmmm, how to say congratulations and sum up what you mean to us all here…. I decided to sum you up in the words of other esteemed jellies from their answers to this question:

You like to give orders and you consider yourself a royal outcast. (@gailcalled)
Self-identifies as an outsider, probably relishes being an iconoclastic individualist. (@thorninmud)
Rules a country we’ve never heard of. (@Keep_on_running)
A king of humor and jest. (@KateTheGreat)
King (appointed) of the socially outcaste (@AmWiser)
I see a million fish boiling in the water with razor sharp teeth and…the King of them All is in the middle. :( I’m scared. (@Dutchess_III)
A badass with a rapier; he knows how to parry. That’s what it reminds me of, but the word parrier (if that is a word) said with an accent; I am king pariah! En guarde, muffuga! (@Symbeline)

Congratulations to one who is, against all odds, a beautiful lie. :-)

FutureMemory's avatar

Way to go dude.

WestRiverrat's avatar


Bluefreedom's avatar


zensky's avatar


King_Pariah's avatar

@Everyone Thanks everyone! couldn’t have done it without ya’all (seriously, where else would I have gotten all that lurvin?)

rebbel's avatar

Congratz, Pariah!

Jude's avatar

Congrats. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Sorry I’m late. Congratulations!

AmWiser's avatar

I’m late too. But not to late to say
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S! ! ! and welcome to the 10K Mansion.:-]

picante's avatar

The King is in the house! Congratulations!

mangeons's avatar

Wow, I’m sorry I’m so late! Congrats on this well deserved achievement, you’re a great addition to the collective! :-)

Plucky's avatar

Congratulations on the big 10k!

marinelife's avatar

Sorry to be late. Congratulations, @King_Pariah!

ZEPHYRA's avatar


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