(nsfw) What is your reaction to this statement?
I recently read a book, and a large portion of the books premise was convincing people that “Sex is nice, and pleasure is good for you.”
For me this seems really obvious, but the way the book was written, it seems the authors believed that people would have an adverse or surprised reaction to such a statement. What is your reaction?
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22 Answers
I think the message would be a surprise to people like the Heritage Foundation or Focus on the Family.
It seems to me that most people would agree with that statement when presented on its own. Many people act as if they disagree with the statement, however, so perhaps the book is aimed at getting people to realize the contradictions that may exist between what they would affirm and what they would do (or let others do). Sexual repression remains a potent tool for controlling the minds of others. By eliminating the subconscious sources of guilt that can be used against people, we help free them from those who would use that unfounded guilt against them.
There are books about sex?!?
I am always surprised when people are disgusted by sex, or think it dirty or unenjoyable. I am leaving out the risks of STD’s, which can be referred to as dirty or germy, and of course some people have painful sex, but again I am not including those with real physical problems. How horrific to me that people actually grow up thinking, believeing, and living in a place in their mind that sex and pleasure is bad. I guess that book is for those people. If I read it, it sounds like grass is green and the sky is blue. Sally, Dick, and Jane.
@JLeslie . . . lucky dick, he’s always rollin’ with a couple of chicks
I think a lot of people have trained themselves to feel guilty about sex, for various reasons.
For some it’s just another emotional connection and way to make more kids.
A lot of people find sex to be a source of anxiety and unpleasantness. I guess the book is aimed at those people.
Well sort of. The purpose of the book was mostly about how to live a nonmonogamous lifestyle while remaining responsible, respectful, and emotionally healthy.
@FluffyChicken What is the target audience? An average Joe? Or, someone who comes from a very religious background? Who? It’s very odd. The cheater does not have to be told sex is pleasurable and fun. I figure they know that already.
@JLeslie I believe it is directed to someone who is just entering the world of nonmonogamy, and by nonmonogamy I don’t mean cheating. I mean respectful sex that may include more than one partner, be that in an open relationship, a swinger situation, or as a single “sleeping around.” I actually really enjoyed it. It just surprises me that that statement would be considered shocking.
So, it is supposed to be nice?
I am surprised.
Do squirrels play with their nuts?
I would have to see the statements in context to judge them.
Does a bear shit in the woods?
There still seem to be plenty of people out there with Victorian attitudes to sex. Those people might be surprised by the statement.
For me, I absolutely agree. Sex is more than nice and pleasure is most definitely good for you.
It sounds like the book is stating the obvious with this “statement”.
@Leanne1986 I would agree with you there! I think it might depend on the age of the reader to a degree. When I was young (years ago) sex wasn’t spoken about and so the attitude must have been prevalent that sex wasn’t ‘nice’. As I’ve got older, and not wiser, I realise that sex can be fun and pleasurable and as long as no-one gets hurt then go for it!
Young people haven’t really had the time/experience to discover the pleasures but they hopefully will!
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