Entertaining websites?
I just wanted to see if anyone knew any entertaining/time wasting websites for a teenage girl?
I’m seriously bored… and sick of Facebook.
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22 Answers
This one’s been a little slow of late, but you could always ask a question about politics, religion, gun control, etc, to get a rise out of everyone. Welcome to fluther.
Conservapedia, 4chan.org and if you really want to strain your faith in humanity, sodahead, the defintion of “far right wing cesspool”
When I’m bored I tend to visit the following: Daily Mail (for mostly untrue celeb gossip), Fark.com, Listverse, STFUPARENTS, Pinterest, icanhasacheezburger.com, damnyouautocorrect, Oddee, Postsecret. Once I have exhausted those then it is time to get out of the house!
Definetely Youtube. If you are a music lover, it’s loaded with every type of music. I spend at least four hours a day just listening to the oldies on Youtube.
Some of the videos are outstanding, associated with songs.
@john65pennington you know that everyone on YT that uploads music is a copyright violator? Criminals. Criminals everywhere. And you are supporting their evil machinations
4chan. A fun, clean and family friendly site for all ages!
If you’re into crafts, photography, food, decorating, clothes, Pinterest is a fun time waster.
If you’re into clothes, check out Polyvore.
If you’re into reading about other people’s lives, look at blogs. If you google whatever topic you’re into, you’ll be sure to find someone’s blogging about it!
Now that it’s spring, take a walk or bike ride, or volunteer somewhere like your local hospital. Maybe try something that might help you get into college, like volunteering for an organization or charity. If you’re into history, you can volunteer at a local historical society, museum or archives.
Boredom is all in your mind. Fill it with something besides waste. Pick a subject and learn more about it. Are you aware of your family genealogy? Google it. Can’t decide what to look up? Make a list of possibilities and point at it with a pencil without looking. Imagination is a great solution to boredom.
Cracked, McSweenys, webcomics (xkcd, Penny Arcade, Something Awful, Hark a Vagrant, etc), Tumblr (omg, tumblr…), The Hairpin, Gawker et al, etc.
@flutherother I decided to try Tomb Trapper. Wow, that game is addicting. I’ve been playing for over an hour straight, and boy do my fingers hurt! (I can’t seem to find a pause button…??). Very clever game, thanks for the link :)
PS- What’s the highest level you’ve completed? I think the highest I got to was 8.
That beats me. I’ve not played it much recently but I don’t think I got beyond level 6.
Wow. I seriously suck at Tomb Trapper.
@ccrow It’s very hard at first. In the average game I die by the 4th level, and my record is still level 8.
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