Does appearance play a part in your choice of service provider?
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6rant6 (
April 9th, 2012
Do you (consciously or unconsciously) choose to get services from someone whose appearance you find appealing?
It could be as simple as choosing the line you get in at the grocery store based on how the cashier looks. It could be answering yes to the good looking clerk who asks, “Do you need any help” and no to the unattractive one.
It could be buying window blinds from the guy who looks like Don Draper even thought they cost a bit more. It could be choosing a hair stylist who is a pleasure to look at for fifteen minutes.
If you’re willing to admit that you sometimes have an impulse to choose providers who look better, do you make any effort to “intervene” when it happens and consciously go to the less attractive?
Well? Do you?
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11 Answers
I’m guilty of doing it, but it’s not normal for me. I’m generally a cheap and fast guy.
Guilty as charged. I think this is quite “normal” actually.
However, I am a sucker for competence. Give me competence over beauty any day. In the line at the grocery store, I would choose the competent cashier ahead of the pretty one.
I do a lot of my shopping online or by phone, so appearance doesn’t enter into it at all. In the supermarket I go to the wide aisle to accommodate my wheelchair. It’s nice to be served by someone good looking, and it’ll make my day if it’s a good-looking young man who smiles back at me, but I don’t seem to shop in the sorts of places where I can pick-and-choose about these things.
Nah, I always opt for what looks like the shortest wait when it comes to completing a task at a service establishment. Their appearance has no correlation to how efficiently they do their job, so unless I know one personally and want to socialize, it’s more about getting the job done.
Granted, the thought has crossed my mind while waiting for a haircut as a walk-in. I just figure that the stylist with the jazzy hair probably didn’t do it his/her self. Hopefully, the one that did is the one I end up with. :)
When I’m paying for a service provider, I just want whoever does the best job for the money. Most people who do good work, look the role and are very professional looking. That’s all I care about. I’m not recruiting for a beauty pageant or looking for a date… it’s just business. Looks are really immaterial to me.
I gravitate to attractive women, i’m shallow & happy.
I drift where the nice cleavage is.
It actually makes no difference to me. The object is to place my purchases on the roller, pay the money, and get the heck out of Dodge. The quicker the better.
I will admit that I did select one particular checkout line in Woolco. I was just purchasing a Coke, but I did need to speak to the checkout lady. Paid for my Coke and then I arrested the checkout lady for an outstanding bad check warrant. I thought that was a rather cool way to approach her, without causing a scene. It worked.
@SavoirFaire Of course. There are two kinds of people: those who recognize in themselves a bias towards people they find attractive, and those who don’t recognize it.
I suppose there are some people who just aren’t aware of what they’re doing in general – aren’t making choices, just doing things by rote. For my two cents, that’s not something I’d want to brag about.
I try to pick the register with the shortest line. It does not matter to me the outward appearance of the person running the cash register. I do talk to all of them & frequently they display a great deal of intelligence (in my opinion). If all of the lines are long, then I look for a person with whom I have had previous experience when they were running the cash register.
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