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john65pennington's avatar

Have you ever attended or been involved in a Native American pow wow?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) April 9th, 2012

My one and only pow wow, I have attended, was in Washington State, one year ago. It took me about an hour to “feel” what a pow wow was about. The drum beat kept gnawing at my brain and I began to feel a strange sensation, that I have never felt before. Maybe, being one fourth Cherokee Indian, was playing havoc with my soul as I began to slowly get in rhythm with the beat. It was a feeling as if I belonged to the tribe and these were my people.

Question: what was happening to me? Was my one fourth Cherokee blood coming to life in a way I have never known before?
Has this ever happened to you?

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5 Answers

jazmina88's avatar

I have been to a pow-wow.

as a musician, you know drums and music can transport you to other worlds.
and other times.

and you feel at peace.

serenade's avatar

Not to minimize the significance of your experience, but drums can put you in a trance state. I don’t doubt, however, that this was deepened/made more profound by the expert practitioners. The sacred is readily accessible once one learns to recognize it.

downtide's avatar

I have been to a British pagan ceremony that involved drumming, chanting and dance, and yes, it does invoke a variety of emotional and spiritual responses, regardless of what blood they carry.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I have been to many PowWow’s.

Every religion recognizes the power of certain types of sights and sounds to enhance emotional reactions. It was not just your Native American heritage.

When Rock and Roll first became popular, religious people condemned it as the devil’s music because of the way it seems to overpower a person’s soul.

Berserker's avatar

I’ve been to one in Winnipeg. The music didn’t really reach to me, because I was busy being enthralled by all the cool outfits and feathers and things. We went to see the performers after, and they showed us the head feathers and everything, and we were told that, while not authentic, they were made pretty much how they used to be made. It was awesome.

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