Social Question

janbb's avatar

Slow day on Fluther! Can you come up with a question?

Asked by janbb (63346points) April 12th, 2012

Ask it here; ask it there! With a fox, in a box! Can you ask one anywhere?

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56 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Controversial or fun?

janbb's avatar


“Does he like me?”

(I am bored! Bored, I tell you!)

Keep_on_running's avatar

This :)

I think it would be interesting…

janbb's avatar

That’s a good question but it’s been asked already.

Blackberry's avatar

Yeah, I got nothing….Lol.

Keep_on_running's avatar

@janbb Do you mean by me or someone else?

cookieman's avatar

Why can’t we have penguins as pets? They’re so cute.

janbb's avatar

@Keep_on_running Well, if you were referring to the one asked by ro_in_motion, yeah, by someone else. Wasn’t sure what you meant by that.

janbb's avatar

@cprevite Penguins would love to be pets in households where there are cookies. But they do make a mess in the freezer!

bkcunningham's avatar

Am I being a bitch for not wanting to be the fulltime caregiver to my 3-year old granddaughter if her parents move near my home in a retirement community in Florida? I love her, but I love my lifestyle and I don’t want my life geared around babysitting. I feel so mean when I say I don’t want to keep her fulltime.

Keep_on_running's avatar

@janbb No, I permalinked my reponse, the question is half-way down or so.

janbb's avatar

@bkcunningham No – you are definitely not! You need to set limits on what you will do. I would not want to do that either.

janbb's avatar

@Keep_on_running Let me go back and check.

Oh – I see it now. Go ahead and ask it!

nikipedia's avatar

Ok, I asked one just because you asked :)

bkcunningham's avatar

Thank you for your input, @janbb. Besides my husband, you are only the second person I’ve mentioned this possible situation to and we all agree. I am going to have to have a long discussion with my stepdaughter and her husband. They live in Maryland and my time with them is limited and precious. My stepdaughter assumes my love for them would extend to fulltime childcare.

wundayatta's avatar

Why are flathermuffins so gefludnikempt?

wundayatta's avatar

Are short-toed engines smarter than parrots?

wundayatta's avatar

Do you decline more invitations when sleepy or when feverish?

wundayatta's avatar

Is a Chinese puzzle either Chinese or a puzzle?

wundayatta's avatar

Does crime come from Crimea?

janbb's avatar

@wundayatta Yes, yes, no, maybe and perhaps!

Thanks for the questions!

janbb's avatar

@bkcunningham I feel really strongly about this.

filmfann's avatar

Should Rick Santorum be forced to continue campaigning to full term, or be allowed to abort his run for the Presidency?

janbb's avatar

@filmfann I’ve heard that question asked other places and think it is a good one! :-)

linguaphile's avatar

What does a disrobed soul look and feel like?

janbb's avatar

@linguaphile Naked and abandoned and vulnerable – don’t ask me how I know.

janbb's avatar

All righty folks! Things are waking up again!

jonsblond's avatar

@bkcunningham I agree with @janbb. You are not being a bitch. When I was 24 and my sons were 3 and 1, I decided to go back to college. My mother told me quite firmly that she would not be a full time babysitter for our sons. She didn’t mind watching them occasionally, but she raised 6 children and she was ready for her next chapter in life. I wasn’t even considering asking her to watch the kids full time, but she put it out there before I had the chance to ask. You need to do the same. Don’t feel bad about it.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Do these boobs make my ass look fat?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

What do boogers taste like?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Do you pee in the bathtub/shower?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

What do you suppose the love child of Nick Nolte and Janet Reno what look like?

MilkyWay's avatar

What on earth should I become to support myself?

linguaphile's avatar

How do I go about quitting my job- in a stealth fashion (not saying anything until July, then disappear), in a gradual way, with a dramatic flair, or…. ? Do I want to nuclear this bridge into oblivion, or do I want to keep good relations… ? Who do I tell first, friends or boss…? Questions, questions, questions!

ucme's avatar

A penguin is a delicious chocolate covered biscuit, therefore I feel safe announcing my innocent question.
Have you ever sucked off a penguin?

MilkyWay's avatar

@ucme Yes, I have :P

janbb's avatar

@ucme Teehee! (And very delicious they are too!)

linguaphile's avatar

Where can I get a penquin to eat?

janbb's avatar

They are available in the UK and occasionally imported here.

ucme's avatar

@MilkyWay Dare I say, i’ve licked a few milky ways in my time too ;¬}
@janbb Indeed :¬)

MilkyWay's avatar

@ucme Just laughed out loud for real xD

ucme's avatar

@MilkyWay Well then my work here is done :¬)
Why is everyone whispering all of a sudden, has someone fallen asleep?

ucme's avatar

….in de morning wanting some breakfast….....

MilkyWay's avatar

….then run out of time and am late to school, feelin very hungry indeed…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

…I see my friends, which seat should I take…

MilkyWay's avatar

… the seat of death…

Keep_on_running's avatar

You’re meant to say Friday! Rebecca Black song, you know?

MilkyWay's avatar

I know, and I extremley dislike it.

ucme's avatar

…Oh-hoh, me ears are alight!

bkcunningham's avatar

Thank you @jonsblond and jan. It does feel nice to have affirmation that I’m not evil for not wanting to commit to keeping a beautiful little girl that I love dearly. I think it is more difficult for me because I’ve only been married to my stepdaughter’s father for about 8 years. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I have to remind myself to not stress about things that haven’t happened because anything can happen between now and then.

There’s an organization that does fantastic community volunteer work here that I’ve been wanting to get involved with more. It just so happens they run a daycare. Maybe it is meant to be that something that will work out that I can volunteer at the facility and keep an eye on her in the daycare a few hours a week. Who knows? Oh, well, thanks.

AshLeigh's avatar

Why does the doctor leave the room when you change? He’s going to see you naked anyways.

bkcunningham's avatar

Out of respect. In case he/she doesn’t want to see you sniff your underpants. Who the hell knows. Does it matter? At least give me that much time to get ready for you. Bugt not too much time. Don’t leave me in there sniffing indefinitely.

Berserker's avatar

Dammit…often, I think up some questions that I’d like to ask on here, but they’re not really worthy, in the sense that a lot of what I’d want to ask wouldn’t fit the guidelines for question asking. They’re all legitimate…I think…but wouldn’t really create much discussion, and would probably be pulled for lack of substance. The type of stuff that would belong on the no posts count section of message boards and forums, or places like AnswerBag.

So this is the perfect thread where I could ask them…except now I can’t remember not a damn one. :/

janbb's avatar

@Symbeline Sleep on it. We’ll still be here tomorrow.

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