Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Maybe NSFW - How do you enjoy your SO's body?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29379points) April 12th, 2012

Any action, gesture or motion, as long as it is NOT related to anything sexual by purpose or reason—how do you delight yourself with your partner’s body?

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12 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I’m a ‘groomer’. I cut his hair, take care of his feet (massage, clip toe nails, lotion), and sometimes shave his face. I even pop pimples. Gross, I know. :p

ragingloli's avatar

With a nice Chianti.

ucme's avatar

I lay her naked on the floor one time & painted an inaccurate but charming map of a jungle all across her torso. I then took one of the kids toy jeeps & had an expedition. We drove out of the dense bush, over naval canyon & camped out betwixed the twin peaks.
She remained silent throughout, due in part to the socks shoved in her gob, I felt like a kid again….again.

SuperMouse's avatar

I find myself wanting to touch him constantly. When I am near him I want to rub his shoulders or his head or his face, just touch him. I just enjoy any kind of skin to skin contact.

wundayatta's avatar

I can’t answer this question because I do not separate the sexual from anything else. I don’t see people as being made up of separate parts and attributes. It saddens me that other people do, even though I understand it is how we understand things. But in the end, we have to remember that we are whole beings and nothing can be separated out in a meaningful way. Sexuality is always there and is inextricably tied to everything that humans do. As are all the other things we do.

I enjoy my SO’s body a lot, but it cannot be separated from sex. Nor comfort. Nor strength. Nor softness. Nor muscularity. Nor scent. I can’t do it. I won’t even try. I won’t even separate her body from her. Her mind, her soul, her whatever—can not be separated from her body. She is a whole being and without any one attribute, she doesn’t exist. You’re fooling yourselves if you think you can separate your SOs out into parts, too.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I love his body. I love is mannerisms and the way he smells. Like @SuperMouse with her SO, I too find myself always wanting to touch mine. I don’t always want to have sex but I always want to be intimate with him in some way, even if it’s just resting my hand on his leg.

john65pennington's avatar

Overnight, while I was sleeping, I was painted as Bozo the clown. My fingernails and toe nails had been painted a bright red color. I had the name Bozo painted across my forehead. Red lipstick was on my mouth and I had a painted body.

I freaked out the next morning. I knew I had to testify in a criminal court case. All the fingernail polish remover had been hidden and I was stuck with paint I could not remove, all over my body.

I first went into a rage, then I laughed. This will never be forgotten and payback is hell.

muppetish's avatar

It’s strange, but with anyone else I am not a physically intimate person. I’m not especially huggy with friends or family. My significant other and I have always been physically close. We always sit side by side so that we are touching. We have to sleep holding each other; in the middle of the night, if I wake and see that I have moved in my sleep, I go turn again and go back to holding him. It’s not just his warmth or scent, but his entire physical presence that makes me feel loved, safe, and grounded.

I like listening to his heartbeat. I like listening to our hearts beating together.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@muppetish My boyfriend and I are like that when we sleep too. I am flattered that there is no evidence that he has ever tried to do the “Chandler Bing’s hug and roll” trick yet!

Jude's avatar

When we are in the same room, we both feel the need to be touching each other (sexually or non-sexually).

I love playing with her hair. She has long curly hair and I am constantly playing with it when we’re watching t.v.. That, and I love playing with her ears. It’s relaxing for her, at first, yet, often turns her on.

With her, she plays with my hair when we in bed. She always kisses my back whilst I’m in bed, before she leaves for work. She leaves at 7:30 and I’m still in bed. She plants a bunch of tiny kisses on my bare bed before heading out the door.

Blondesjon's avatar

Shaken, not stirred.

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