Social Question

Who are your favorite videogame bosses?
I think we can all agree that there are few things in this world more satisfying than a good old BOSS FIGHT.
Here are mine:
1. Demise. (Zelda: Skyward Sword) Someone on another forum put it best, I think: “Lightning sword duel: nerdgasm!” Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be able to hold aloft a magic sword, charge it with power. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in a videogame as this: when Demise holds up his sword, summons and bolt of lightning, and then swings a blast of energy, and you’re like “hmm I wonder if two can play at this game OH SWEET.” Also, some of the best music in a game. video
2. The End. (Metal Gear Solid 3) Not a MGS fan, but I loved this fight. It’s a sniper duel, completely silent and drawn out. There’s no fast-twitch action or exciting music. You have to find cover in a huge forest and track the dude, who is also hiding and tracking you. video
3. The 13th Colossus. (Shadow of the Colossus) Epic shit, man. It’s a giant flying sandworm dragon. There’s three stages. First you have to ride after it on your horse and shoot arrows at its gas floats. Then, when it comes down to ground level, you have to ride alongside its fins and jump from your horse onto its body like you’re in a goddamn Western movie. Then, as it rises back into the air, you have to clamber over its body and stab it repeatedly. What I love about this battle (and this game in general) is that, unlike other “epic” battles in other games, you don’t fight by tapping a button in quick-time events and watching your avatar do amazing moves automatically. You actually have to master the moves yourself and control the character yourself. video
4. Kraid. (Super Metroid) Probably nostalgia talking, but this fight sure was rad in 1994. Kraid was HUGE! video
5. Rubicant. (Final Fantasy IV) This was the first boss fight I can remember where the boss has a cool personality. He’s actually a noble guy: he wants to have a fair fight so he heals you completely before the battle. Also, he’s a fire elemental, but he actually fights smart: he has a magic cloak that protects him from ice attacks (his weakness) and he uses fire to heal himself. Also, great music, even by today’s standards. video