I wonder if this notion “what do you want to be when you grow up?” is a particularly American thing. I’m not sure it’s so important to ask kids this in other countries. But I know it’s about the only way adults know how to interact with kids in this country.
Personally, I think it artificial and damaging. How the fuck do we know what we want to be? We barely even know what we want to do. And yet…
I think we do know what we want to do. All we have to do is to pay attention to what we do. All we have to do is expose ourselves to things, and we’ll find ourselves wanting to do things.
My son consumes voracious amounts of material on the internet. A lot of it is crime show stuff, but he has learned to draw and to play music and do various other things from videos he finds on the internet. He discovered photoshop there and at school, and it is one thing he really likes: manipulating images.
Of course, in the past he has been gaga about rocks and paper folding and bicycles and many other things. His interests wax and wane.
I think that’s normal. I think that most of us move through life, turning from interest to interest. But there’s this idea that we are supposed to have a career and that a career is one consistent job track through life. So if we are floating from one interest to the next, we are not doing it right because it isn’t a career.
And why have a career? I guess because that is most efficient in terms of climbing to the top and making the most money. And everyone wants to climb to the top, right?
Personally, I don’t think there is any one right way to live a life. Personally, I don’t think we have to end up at the top or we have failed. Personally, I think life can be meaningful in many ways, not just with monetary success.
“What Color is Your Parachute” is about hunting for a job, which, of course, starts with deciding what kind of job you want to hunt for. But you are asking what you want to do and trying to get help figuring out what to do. My answer is that you don’t need a book. Look at what you are interested in. Do that.