General Question

john65pennington's avatar

Have you ever witnessed your anti-virus program at work?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) April 13th, 2012

Last night was a first for me. I was on Youtube listening to music. As soon I clicked on to one song/video, my AVG anti-virus suddenly kicked in and stated it was killing an attempt by The Trojan to invade my computer. I must say I was totally impressed with AVG. This was not a bought version of AVG, it was their free download. I will now purchse the best version available of AVG.

Question: have you ever actually witnessed your anti-virus program at work and attacking a virus?

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7 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

yup, several times, mostly false alerts because of my tech tools though XD

PhiNotPi's avatar

Yes, I have seen it, but most of the time it just pops up in a window and starts a scan, so not much “live action.”

Prosb's avatar

Yes. It generally shakes a “no no no” finger at me, then very poignantly tells me what mess of mine it has to clean up now. I think my antivirus may be powered by guilt.

SmashTheState's avatar

It’s the case of the dog which did not bark in the night. The work of one’s anti-virus is visible 24/7 through the performance which is missing from one’s computer. The number of cycles one’s anti-virus software steals is huge, and it does so constantly, during the 99.999% of the time it’s not needed. The overhead of every piece of real-time anti-virus software I’ve ever seen is mammoth. My personal experience is that the effects of not having real-time anti-virus protection are much smaller than the damage caused by the anti-virus software itself in terms of both system performance and system stability.

If one is generally clued, doesn’t follow blind links, doesn’t install untrusted software, keeps one’s software and firmware patched, uses NoScript and AdBlock, has a router and a firewall between one and the Internet, and doesn’t open email attachments, one should not need real-time anti-virus protection.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

Many times .. I’m so glad we have it. We have Norton and if something critical was intercepted, we get a pop up telling us what happened.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Yep. In the early days of having internet at home I also somehow found myself in the middle of a trojan horse being downloaded. All these files started opening – the virus accessing my c:\ folders. The whole thing was quite scary to be honest. My anti-virus software stopped it from getting any further, but the response was pretty slow.

anartist's avatar

yes. and also witnessed look-alike virus scams that pop up and try to tell you your computer is infected, but will perform a more thorough scan or removal if you click <here>

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