Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

What to talk about on the first date?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) April 14th, 2012

My close friend and I are getting closer than ever, and just recently, and I asked hime if he would want to go to the movies with me. We saw eachother at the dance and almost kissed eacheother, and I was thinking of going to see the Hunger Games with him.

The one thing I’m worried about is not having something to talk about. But, if we went with a group of friends, it wouldn’t be just me and him, so we really wouldn’t have any personal talks, and then I would just be silly because I’m with my friends. I really just wanted it to be me and him.

So, I was wondering what would be best to talk about on the first date? Unless a group of friends is a lot better.

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12 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Just let it flow naturally. You cannot control every little aspect of how a date will go. Don’t even try. Just show up and see what unfolds.

gailcalled's avatar

I cannot imagine how we can program your conversation. What are your interests? What are his? Do you share any classes? Do you share any extra-curricular activities?

Are you interested in politics, sports, music, talking about the “Hunger Games” as both a movie and a novel?

If you and he can’t find things to talk about, perhaps you are both too young to date? This sounds harsh, I know, but you do seem to be feeling very apprehensive about this.

And surely, you know better than this old crowd here what would be an attractive and suitable outfit. Perhaps, your jeans, a nice top and your 2” heels.?

jaytkay's avatar

If you go to the movie first, you can talk about it afterwards.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@jaytkay hit it perfectly. That was always my plan. Movie/entertainment first, then dinner. It gives you at least one thing in common.
The last three letters in your screen name give me a clue that you might also talk about school, the new program they are trying to implement, math class, XYZ’s bad behavior and how you can’t stand it, earth science. You can even discuss the food.
Don’t feel you have to be talking the whole time.

creative1's avatar

Relax, you already have been talking since you both are friends. Talk about him, find out things he likes and such. Small little things that come to your mind at the time will turn into conversations. Try not to worry about the change in going from friends to going on a date. What did you two talk about as friends?? those things still stand that you can still talk about them.

john65pennington's avatar

If you run out of conversation, alway remember you can use the following:

Who, what, when, where or why?

Pick a subject you are familiar with and go for it.

jrpowell's avatar

People love to talk about themselves. Ask questions that allow them to do it.

wundayatta's avatar

Anything you can get him to talk about.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@everyone, The date went absolutely perfect. We actually didn’t run out of anything to talk about. I ended up wearing a denim skirt, my heeled boots, and a white flowery top, and a jacket. We talked about school, friends, the movie, actors, other movies, current events, and what we’re going to do over the summer. And, we ended the night outside the movie theater with a very long kiss, if I say so myself. Thanks for the help eveybody! :)

gailcalled's avatar

Wonderful. Next time you can skip the training wheels. Do you have plans to see each other again?

wilma's avatar

Sounds like a perfect date! Thanks for letting us know.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@gailcalled Well, at school of course. But yes, he did ask me to a second date, which will most likely be at park near my house that is an absolutely GORGEOUS and very romantic park. I’m really looking forward to it. :)

@wilma It was!

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