Suppose there are multiple universes and one God for this universe; is there only one God for all the universes?
Suppose that non-theistic life in the universes can not find out any information about any other universe. Would the God be able to gather information from other universes or not, in your opinion?
Why would the God have multiple universes? If there were multiple Gods, would they communicate with each other? What information would they share? Why would they share information yet not let their intelligent life forms gather information from other universes?
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24 Answers
This is actually the basis for a popular argument in favor of the existence of God. If you are willing to grant that God is possible, so the argument goes, then it follows that there is some possible world in which God exists. But if God exists in any possible world, then He exists in all possible worlds (simply by definition). Therefore, God exists in the actual world (the actual world being, necessarily, one of the possible worlds). The argument itself is not very good if you don’t already accept a whole lot of things; but if one is willing to grant that there are other universes and that there is a God (as traditionally understood), then it seems to follow that His omniscience would entail being able to gather information about other universes.
Why would such a God have multiple universes? Maybe creation was so much fun the first time that He wanted to have several more tries at it. Maybe creating universes is just what a God like that does by nature. As for why He might not let other intelligent life forms gather information from other universes, maybe it’s just not possible for non-theistic life to gather or handle such information. Perhaps our little heads would explode if we got close enough. As for why He wouldn’t just share the information with us Himself, I have no idea. Perhaps it’s for the same reason that He won’t prove His existence in some unambiguous way.
Who knows? If there is a God or more than one, or any number of gods, any human attempt or attempts to describe his or her or it’s nature, to determine what this god or gods is or are capable of, or what motivates them if anything at all motivates them as opposed to them “merely being,” will most likely be either completely inadequate or simply wrong. I choose to just let the mystery be, as Iris Dement says.
I know, I’ve got a song for everything.
Intergalactic gods? Why not? Maybe the crappy Gods that don’t honor their election promises get a stint on being earth gods.
Maybe it’s a re-election year somewhere in the cosmos. lol
If I were God, I would create an infinite number of universes, and observe them all.
If you assume some form of curiosity motivated him in the first place, you would have to assume he would want to observe the timeline of every single possible universe. According to what I have heard about him, he created all that is, and therefore stands singular and outside of creation. I imagine he is capable of creating it multiple times.
The Christian God is said to have created everything, so if other universes exist, He probably created those too. When it comes to Christian beliefs, that idea is probably slightly irrelevant? But if not, and there are other universes and God just happens to rule this one, then He’s not the god we thought He was. Just a superior being over us, like a farmer is to cattle. Other gods own other cows, or so I would have to assume.
Thinking with my tiny ant mind, it’s hard to say, in that case, what rules and started it all. Sauron, maybe.
It’s kind of weird about how the idea of many gods might rule different places makes sense, when thinking on scientific terms about what we know on how nature works out. Gah.
And if there are many gods who are aware of one another, and even mingle, then I guess Xena Warrior Princess is the closest I can think of when it comes to the truth.
I said it before and I’ll say it again, there is only one true God. He (or she) is same for all religions, all living and non-living things. Hindus call him Paramatma, Muslims call him Allah, Christians call him God. And other religions may call him by different names. He can assume any form and any number of forms at a single point in time. He is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. So, definitely he is everywhere, he is greater than the greatest and mightier than the mightiest, and knows everything. I will wind this description up for now.
But, let me tell you something. God is not someone/something that can be seen with our (physical) eyes; he needs to be experienced. One should be a disciple to a (spiritual) master to know God. Only thing he wants from us is Love.
Otherwise, I will tell you, but I don’t want to confuse anyone, that’s why I started with the first paragraph.It is believed that there are 33,00,00,000 (330 million) Hindu Deities. There are roles and responsibilities to them.
Only if you make some unfounded assumptions about this god.
For example omniscience and omnipotence. It all falls apart if this god is lacking one the two attributes. If it is not omnipotent, it can not influence events in other universes. If he is not omniscient, then he does not know what is going on in those other universes and thus can not control it.
The other thing you have to assume is that there is only one god in the entire continuum of infinite universes, an assumption that is infinitely more improbable to be true than the assumption that earth is the only planet with life in this universe.
Because if you did not make that assumption, you get problems when multiple omnipotent gods start clashing with each other. When two omnipotent beings battle, which of the two wins? Which one of the infinite number of gods wins? Which of them do you worship? (If you consider what the bible writes about that god, you should not worship it, because it does not deserve it.)
Of course, you can not make some of these assumptions, because they are logically contradictory. It can not be omniscient, because first it contradicts free will. If god knows every detail of what you will do in the future and every quantum event that leads to it, you do not have free will. Everything you do and think is predetermined.
Secondly, it contradicts omnipotence. If god knows every detail of what it itself will do in the future, then its own fate is predetermined and it does not have the power to choose a different path.
If this truly the best of all worlds then it makes no sense that there should be any others, or is that what God says to all his universes? Having more than one god trivializes the notion of god.
Not necessarily. The fact is that humans project their own personalities onto animals, their gods and even inanimate objects.
It does not follow that if there were more than one universe there would still only be one god for all of them. Nor does it follow that there would be a god for each universe.
In the same sense that our measurement of time is irrelevant by cosmic standards, therefor it is silly to expect the earth to end at the close of a millenium; why could we expect rules of logic as we understand them to be imposed on the actions of a god?
Just because we can’t be in a room together without fighting amongst ourselves is not a basis for believing that gods would be unable to get along and work together.
To speculate on why another person does anything is futile. I know it happens here a lot, but the truth is one can only say why they think someone did something. One never truly knows what motivates another person, so why would we think we could know the motivations of a being so utterly alien to us that we cannot even fathom it?
Wth @wundayatta? I’m still trying to get my head around the concept of a god existing – let alone a multiverse. Now this?!
I’ll tell everyone the answers AND guarantee you’ll go to heaven if you send me $5.
It seems that we are instinctively motivated to seek explanations for experiences that confound us. Often the assumption is that an entity or entities exist with powers and intentions beyond our understanding. Limited to what a culture’s collective knowledge provides, we are not able to grasp the notion of transcendence fully, existing before, during and after time exists. Transcendence would, to my way of thinking, precluded personality as well. Because my notion of God is that from which known and unknown aspects of creation are derived, all information is God and therefore one with creation whatever the number of universes that exist.
@Bill1939 Yet no information travels from one universe to the next. There is no knowledge of other universes. So in your scenario, it would seem there must be one God for each universe and none of them know of any others.
@wundayatta How can you tell that there is not an exchange of information? Simply because you are not a recipient or do not know of a recipient of information, it does not follow that there is no information. Only that you do not know of it.
Some scientists hypothecise that the reason gravity is so weak, is that it is actually seeping in from outside the universe. So information exchange between universes is certainly a possibility.
Ah…, well in that case. Carry on,
I’m happy to consider a set of universes where there is an exchange of information but nobody I know knows of it. That would be pretty interesting, too. Kind of this secret society out there that knows about the other universes, while the rest of us don’t know. Kind of a plot for a novel, I guess. Only the devout or the practiced learn of the existence of information from other universes.
But why would they keep it secret?
@wundayatta you force me to continue this. Listen snookums. This is a VERY big universe. There are BILLIONS and BILLIONS of stars, and I have no idea what the percentage of planets is but the chances that there is intelligent life on others than our own are relatively good. And every living being on all of them BUT this one could have that knowledge. No secrets, we just aren’t in the club yet!
@Trillian So is the data needed to determine this all around us, but we aren’t able to figure out what we’re seeing? Or could it somehow be necessary to join the club before we are actually able to see this information? Or is it being hidden from us somehow?
No, I don’t want to force you to play. Only if it entertains you. Otherwise, feel free not to respond. It’s just a way of passing the time.
That’s what I’m saying. There is more than is room in your philosophy, Horatio.
I’m just pointing out the flaws and ego-centricity of your logic. Just because you don’t know about something does not mean there are secrets. To think otherwise is not logical
I’m saying that you cannot know that there is no information in THIS universe from a different universe because your/our personal sphere of information is necessarily limited.
There could very well be, but we have not the capacity of recognizing it, even if it were right there in front of us. Lack of evidence does not equal non-existence.
The aborigines in Australia do not know that countless amounts of information is being transmitted globally on the internet right now.
Therefore the internet does not exist.
Wow, that’s twice that I’ve come close to being in agreement with @ragingloli. Quick, someone check the basement for pods! Don’t let them silence meeeee!
@Trillian Not my philosophy. I’m just trying out scenarios. However, the part about a God is crucial. I know there is stuff I don’t know. In fact, I don’t know the vast majority of what there is to know. I know so little, in fact, you could say I know nothing, because what I do know is such a small part of what there is to know.
However, a god, as conventionally defined, would be omniscient. So they would know what humans don’t know, unless they, too, could not get information from another universe. They might only be God in this universe, but not in the multiverse. Now, the definition of the universe is all there is. It is infinite.
In a multiverse, we have an infinity of infinities. It would be possible for a God to be infinite and yet for there to be other infinities with other Gods. In fact, this is almost surely the case, at the same time as it is the case that there is only one God for the multiverse at the same time as it is the case that there are no Gods of this sort at all. The whole point of a multiverse is for everything conceivable to be possible and to exist.
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