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Jude's avatar

Care to come up with food and drink names using words/song titles from Bob Dylan songs?

Asked by Jude (32210points) April 17th, 2012

The restaurant is based off of a character in a Bob Dylan song (character “The Jack of Hearts”). Food and beverage items will be sold in the coffee shop/antique shop/art studio, and we want to name them after song titles/characters or lines from Bob Dylan songs.

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29 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Rolling scones

Jude's avatar

Cute, but not what we’re going for. :)

picante's avatar

House of the Risin’ Bun
Don’t Think Spice
Gnocchi on Heaven’s Door
Mr. Tangerine Man

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thymes there a changing. Chicken with garlic and thyme.

Is that a little closer? ?

CWOTUS's avatar

Subterranean Homesick Meatloaf ?

I’m not sure that I’d eat it, though.

rebbel's avatar

Based on (most of his) unintelligible songs I suggest a Coffee Ahrdwrangzzer.
Champignons Of The World Soup

CWOTUS's avatar

Absolutely Sweet Tea
Just Like a Turkey Sandwich
Maggie’s Farm-Fresh Eggs

CWOTUS's avatar

Masters of Warmed Up Leftovers from Yesterday

SomeoneElse's avatar

Apple Suckling Tree
Country Pie
Hey Mr. Tangerine Man!

Blondesjon's avatar

Tangled Up In Blue-Fin Tuna Steaks

Meatballs Along The Watchtower

Drink: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35

It’s made with absinthe, marinol, and vodka.

thorninmud's avatar

Cafe au Lay Lady Lay
Grill from the North Country

Jeruba's avatar

@Jude, are you looking for puns? or direct allusions, such as Highway 61 Lemon Squares and North Country Patty Melt?

For the most part there’s little upbeat cheer in Dylan’s songs, and I can’t recall any food references in them or much of anything that would sound good with food (Blood on the Tracks, Hard Rain, Desolation Row). Can you give us an example of what you’re looking for?

Jude's avatar

More so names used in his songs (so I’ve been told by my partner)

For example: “Rosemary’s Raspberry White Chocolate Mocha.

Jeruba's avatar

Maybe we’d help you best, then, just by listing names that appear in his songs and leaving the food items to your partner:

Tom Thumb

probably not Judas Iscariot, and also probably not William Zantzinger

Most of the personal-type lyrics just say “you.”

janbb's avatar

John Wesley Harding Burgers
Blonde on Blondies

Brian1946's avatar

It’s All Over Now, Baby Food.
Temporary Like Achilles Grilled Salmon.
Absolutely Sweet Marie’s Meringue Pie
Ruthie’s Ravioli
Mr. Jone’s scones.

zenvelo's avatar

Buckets of Rain, buckets of Coffee..

zenvelo's avatar

Subterranean Home Fries

Nullo's avatar

Do you want whole song titles for the dish names, followed by the description?

Blowin’ In The Wind
Microwaved honey ham with scallions and wild mushrooms, your choice of sides.

filmfann's avatar

Mr. Tangerine Mango
I Walnut Juice
Don’t think twice, it’s all Diet Rite

bkcunningham's avatar

Peggy-O pancakes. From “Pretty Peggy-O”

Ric von Schmidt omelete. From “Baby, Let Me Follow You Down”

Woody Guthrie veggie burger. From “Song to Woody”

Maggie’s farm hashbrowns From “Maggie’s Farm”

It could go on and on. Sarah Jane, Little Sadie, Mr. Bojangles, Sally Sue Brown, Blackjack Davey, Little Maggie, Frankie and Albert, Diamond Joe…Shake Shake Mama has to be on the menu. So many possibilities.

What are your food items?

SomeoneElse's avatar

I reckon that recipes will have to be produced to cope with this influx of brilliant names!

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Wasn’t it Bob Dylan that sang “Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road?”

janbb's avatar

@dorgie Are you a folkie?

CWOTUS's avatar

No, just old enough to remember.

janbb's avatar

Remember what?

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Oh, heck. That would have made an interesting menu item.

SomeoneElse's avatar

Sweet Bain Marie.

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