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chyna's avatar

The Apple PC is 35 years old today. How many years have you had a PC?

Asked by chyna (51730points) April 17th, 2012

I bought my first PC in 2000. It was an IBM. Yeah, I was a late bloomer when it came to computers. Do you remember your first?

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22 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I do not remember the year, but when I was in my 60s, I bought a Zuse Z23 when it first came out.

jrpowell's avatar

My parents bought the original Macintosh in 1984 when I was 7. I think I used it way more than they did. My mom mostly used it for Excel for my fathers mechanical engineering company. But I spent a lot of time playing in MacPaint.

thorninmud's avatar

We got a Mac 128K in 1983. (My wife worked for Apple Europe at the time, and all the employees were given each new model as it came out. We would sell the previous model after each upgrade. I remember that we sold the 1mb Mac for the equivalent of $2000, used.)

Brian1946's avatar


According to this, that makes you at least 111 years old. ;-0

To what do you owe your excellent longevity? The German health care system? ;-)

Brian1946's avatar

My first computer was a BINAC that I built in 1949. ;-0

Back to reality: my first is the one I still have- a Gateway 500 XL that I bought in October, 2002.

jrpowell's avatar

@Brian1946 :: If you still are using that I can send you one that is at least twice as fast. The garage has about 20 old computers in it.

ragingloli's avatar

I made a typo. I meant to write 160s.

Brian1946's avatar


Thanks. :-)
I can’t afford a replacement PC now, but I’ll probably be able to in July.

Charles's avatar

TRS-80 Model I
Commodore 64
Compaq Portable
Pentium 90

FutureMemory's avatar

We got a Mac IIsi in the Fall of 1991 for about three grand. I think the laser printer was an additional $1500, and the monitor was $700.

jrpowell's avatar

The IIsi was awesome. I bought a used one while I saved up for a Performa 6214 (the computer that drove me to Windows for about five years). I hated that thing so much. I was in high school and spent 931 dollars on a computer I wanted to toss out the window every fucking day.

FutureMemory's avatar

I ended up throwing it int the garbage about 10 years ago.

chyna's avatar

@Charles The TRS-80 was the first computer I ever used at work. The disks were the size of albums.

ddude1116's avatar

As far as I can remember, there’s always been a PC in my house. My dad bought a Commodore 64 whenever it was out, and has had one ever since, but I got the first one of my own when I was ten, which is really young, come to think of it..

Earthgirl's avatar

It was a 2000 Dell….welcome to the 21st century…late bloomer indeed

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I bought a DAK computer in 1990 when I first moved back State-side from the Far East. It was quite an interesting machine to have and learn on.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

2003, a Dell and it’s still working.

SmashTheState's avatar

My first PC was the Coleco Adam. That must have been around 1983 or so. I’d been using the Internet for years before that, though, with a 110 baud teletype machine with built-in rubber holder for the bakelite telephone receiver. I would dial in to the local university computer department to use their computers. If I wanted to switch programs, I’d have to call them and ask them to change the reels. No kidding.

ucme's avatar

Grandaddy had one in the sixties, it was powered using a foot pedal & several hamsters running on their wheels, lag issues were fairly prominent.

downtide's avatar

I got my first PC in about 1990. It cost just shy of £1000 which was a LOT of money in those days. Heck I wouldn’t spend that much on a PC now. We didn’t get on the internet til about 1996 or 97 though.

Plucky's avatar

I think it was in 2001 or 2002 (my partner got it for me). It was a white Compaq with Windows Me. I was absolutely mesmerized.

Bill1939's avatar

My first computer was an Apple II. It was 8 bit integer based basic language, with 64K of memory and used a cassette tape recorder to load and save programs. I updated to floating point basic as soon as the card was available. When Apple added an external floppy (5 inch) drive and Apple Works (very much like MS Works that can out much later) I was in heaven. As Secretary-Treasurer for our I.A.T.S.E. Local I used it to manage the payroll for events we managed at a state fair for nearly a decade.

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