Social Question

Guys, would you prefer finishing up a "fun-project" quickly, or over an extended period of time?
I’m making an arcade machine, and I’m trying to get it done basically as fast as my schedule and budget will allow me. My g/f and I got into a debate because she was under the impression that when guys set out on projects like this (such as fixing up an old muscle car or something, aka something that doesn’t need to be done asap like a kitchen or bathroom)... that guys like to drag out projects such as this, to enjoy the experience more. Kind of a half of the fun being sitting around with the guys working on the car type of thing. My argument was that if money and time permitted, I would finish the project in a day or two so I could enjoy the finished project.
So what is it with you other guys (or husbands of the women on the board)? Time/budget permitting, would you like to finish your fun project quickly, or would you prefer it take some time?