Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's your doubleness?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) April 18th, 2012

The very first two paragraphs of the preface of Oliver Sacks’ The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat are as follows:

”The last thing one settles in writing a book,” Pascal observes, “is what one should put in first.” So, having written, collected and arranged these strange tales, having selected a title and two epigraphs, I must now examine what I have done – and why.

The doubleness of the epigraphs and the contrast between them – indeed, the contrast which Ivy McKenzie draws between the physician and the naturalist – corresponds to a certain doubleness in me: that I feel myself a naturalist and a physician both; and that I am equally interested in diseases and people; perhaps, too, that I am equally, if inadequately, a theorist and a dramatist, am equally drawn to the scientific and the romantic, and continually see both in the human condition, not least in that quintessential human condition of sickness – animals get diseases, but only man falls radically into sickness.

I have a doubleness in me, too. I believe wholeheartedly in the scientific method and its importance. I am simultaneously something of a transcendentalist and revel in its curvaceous encompassing. I believe in the world of my senses and also the possibility that there is something overarching all of what I can see, touch, taste, smell, and hear.

What doubleness lies at your heart? What seemingly mutually exclusive ideas do you harbor?

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31 Answers

downtide's avatar

I’m an atheist (not an agnostic, an actual atheist) and yet I believe in the existance of the soul, and in reincarnation. This mainly because of personal experiences. I guess I justify it by deciding to believe that souls can exist and reincarnation can happen naturally, without the intervention of any deity.

ETpro's avatar

I’m an agnostic, and I yearn to meet the elves in the machine just to know what might be there.

augustlan's avatar

I am an atheist, and yet… occasionally, I pray. I don’t really know who or what I am praying to, but there ya’ go.

flutherother's avatar

On the one hand I feel I should go with the flow and accept things for what they are and that everything will work out on the end. On the other hand I feel it is vital to take action, to make a stand and to fight tooth and nail for what I believe in.

harple's avatar

I have immense self confidence, and almost no self esteem.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’m a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll.

rooeytoo's avatar

Somedays I’m the windshield, somedays I’m the bug!!!

And that’s the truth.

rebbel's avatar

I am both highbrow and ‘lowbrow’.

The_Idler's avatar

A pure-blooded mongrel of crass elegance,
I casually specialise in magnanimously ridiculing my dearest enemies…

ucme's avatar

I love & yet hate pussies, dependant on which kind…..obviously.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I root for the underdog, believe less fortunate people need help, and some people have way too much (a liberal?) . And yet… I expect people to work for what they get. There should be no free handouts. (a coservative?)

janbb's avatar

I am highly romantic and live in a fantasy world at times, but I am also sardonic and caustic and revel in skewering foibles. (Think Catherine Earnshaw crossed with Elizabeth Bennet.)

linguaphile's avatar

I am very talkative, and extremely quiet- both extroverted and introverted.
I’m very shy but am also very friendly.
I am very opinionated but also very accommodating.
I can be really childlike, but can be very dark and cynical.
I put much, much stock in intelligence, but prefer to hang with people who don’t invest their ego into their intelligence.
I have a 115 Db hearing loss (I can’t hear jackhammers…) and am totally in love with music.
I’m a die-hard, don’t eff with me teacher but abhor the educational system.

My next tattoo will be a swirly, conjoined comedy/tragedy mask that I drew a few years ago, to represent all of these doublenesses/dualities.

wundayatta's avatar

I am sensual, yet shy. Political, yet private. My desire is to declare myself to all and sundry and yet I don’t want to say my name. This is, of course, because many of my views are not socially acceptable.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I am against this bifurcation of the objective and the irrational. I consider it to be a false dichotomy.

wundayatta's avatar

Does is have to be objective vs irrational? If so, I missed that memo.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@wundayatta That is often how the world has been conceptualized. That is often how knowledge has been conceptualized. Organized religion did it against magic. Philosophy did it against religion. The ‘hard’ sciences did it against humanities and men did it to women by relegating them to the realm of the emotional, the mysterious, the other. If you missed that memo, you missed how Western civilization developed.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I have enough “doubleness” for half the population of Milwaukee! Soldier and Christian; studying science and studying religion; libertarian with both conservative and liberal tendencies… the list is long. : ))

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir : Since the bifurcation is a false dichotomy to you, I’m really curious to know how you account for opposites.

wundayatta's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Too much exposure to Eastern Civ, I guess. I had a strange education. I never studied Shakespeare, nor the American Revolution nor the Civil War. I missed a lot of other stuff, too.

I think it’s ok to create artificial separations in an attempt to understand something, so long as you remember to put them back together before you make any decisions about it.

ro_in_motion's avatar

My ‘doubles’ usually lead me into cognitive dissonance land. Since I talk about myself rather freely and cherish close friends that will call me out on it, it’s become increasingly easy to eliminate doubles from my life.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ro_in_motion : I believe you’ve struck the heart of this question with cognitive dissonance. Is it an innate characteristic for humans to have that dissonance? Do we come by it naturally?

ro_in_motion's avatar

Yes to both. It’s rather easy to detect. Any time you feel guilt, shame, embarrassment, anger or surprise, you’re suffering from it. Speaking as a former comedian, most good if not all jokes are based on this principle.

Every day, we pick up ideas and ‘only sort of’ integrate them with related ideas. Because we do such a poor job of this, we end up having two or more ideas that directly conflict with each other.

Both the best friends I have in life and ny own experience tells me to ‘screw shame, screw guilt’. I know I will make mistakes on a daily basis. I can do my best by working on them by rooting out in me what caused it and repairing the damage I’ve done to others.

Here’s what WikiP says about it:

flutherother's avatar

I think that Mankind is a lovely creation; artistic, sensitive and self improving. I also think Man is a stupid monstrosity out of kilter with nature and bringing the planet to ruin.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Just because something is a false dichotomy doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist as a lived experience in society. Gender is a social construct, we know that, yet it makes sense to a lot of people.

linguaphile's avatar

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.
~Walt Whitman

CaptainHarley's avatar

Learn to live with ambiguity, grasshopper. : )

King_Pariah's avatar

desperate for love yet shun and avoid it like the plague

Keep_on_running's avatar

I want to be happy but I enjoy being sad.

SillyGirl's avatar

I know the so called friends I have in real life hate my guts but I still act as if they are my best friends because their words everyday teaches me the things I need to change or develop more in myself.

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