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ucme's avatar

How many immediate needs do you have upon waking in the morning & yeah.....what are they?

Asked by ucme (50052points) April 18th, 2012

The need to pee, that first cup of coffee, err…..what day/week/month is this? That kind of thing…....okay, now away you go.

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25 Answers

OpryLeigh's avatar

Just one, I always have to pee.

ragingloli's avatar

The need to go back to sleep, if you will pardon the pun.

JLeslie's avatar

Usually I need to pee, but last night I did not sleep well, so I had peed around 2:00 in the morning, and waking at 7:00 I could wait another half hour or so, there was not an immediate need. When I was a little girl my mom was amazed I would sleep all night and not need to go to the bathroom when I first woke up.

I have to take my thyroid pill in the morning, and I like to eat about 45 minutes after that.

TexasDude's avatar

I typically need to brush my teeth and then inject amphetamines into my eyeballs just to be able to pry myself up from my corpse-like slumber… not necessarily in that order.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh yeah, brush my teeth. I like to do that in the morning too.

jca's avatar

brush teeth

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The need to pee. To brush my teeth so I can give the SO a nice minty smooch. Turn the heat and coffee maker on and then scamper back to bed. Check the news and other websites on the iPad or iPod. Start the day’s To Do list.

AshLeigh's avatar

Snooze button.

LuckyGuy's avatar

In winter, get up,
Open the wood burnining stove damper
Put wood on the fire.
Check email.
Close wood burning stove damper.
Hop back in bed for a few minutes.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Haven’t seen this one: Make the bed. It’s one of my S/O’s quirks.

Hain_roo's avatar

Pee, feed the cats, get the paper, make coffee.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Pee, brush teeth, shower. After spending time in Haiti, I am just bloody ecstatic that when I turn on the tap good, clean water comes out. And I have a toilet that works every time. And the shower. Man, don’t get me started on the joys of showering again.

Sunny2's avatar

Pee gets 100% first answer. We do all have something in common!

Blackberry's avatar

Struggle to climb out from the under the sea of women so I can pee.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have to pee, wash my hands, brush my teeth, take some medication, start up the computer, and make the tea. Not all at the same time, you understand. I only have 2 hands.

Facade's avatar

Pee, clothes, feed the cat, “morning tonic” drink, smoke, make food, yoga. In that order as well.

Jude's avatar

Blow nose, pee, wash hands, flick the coffee pot on, let dog out.

flutherother's avatar

Switch on Radio 4
Look out window
Brush teeth.

cazzie's avatar

Very first thing, when he is staying with us, I have to wake up my step-son because it takes him a while to get going in the morning, then I pee. Then I get the little one up and make breakfasts and packed lunches, then running up and down the stairs trying to get clothes on kids and get them downstairs for breakfast. While they eat breakfast, and the lunches are made, I get upstairs and put on the clothes I had on the day before, run back downstairs, pack the backpacks and when 7.30 comes I have to keep an eye out for the taxi for the older one and help him grab everything he needs as he walks out the door. Then I clean up the kitchen, sweep the floors, throw in a load of clothes and hang up the one that is there and/or fold the ones hanging. At 8.00 it is time to get the little one ready for the bus that comes at 8.10. Usually a scurry for finding the ‘right hat’ or ‘Mamma, where are my mittens… No, not those, I hate those ones!’.... If I have time, I have made myself a cup of coffee in there somewhere and if I was really lucky, my teeth got brushed too.

(and my husband told me last month I don’t contribute anything to the household….. Where is he during all this? Still asleep on the couch, where he falls asleep every night in his clothes in front of the TV.)

I love finding a way to make my answers to such unassuming questions a huge moan about my husband.

downtide's avatar

Pee first. Tea second (I prefer tea to coffee first thing in the morning, it’s more refreshing). Shower third.

ucme's avatar

Hey, are you lot taking the piss? ;¬}
Speaking for myself, I more or less do all of the above, but I also have to figure out what day it is & what, if any, significant business lies in wait.
Cheers all, good stuff.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Just the need to use the restroom upon awaking. After that, it’s a simple breakfast and some coffee to start the day.

Ponderer983's avatar

Go back to sleep, pee, wash my face, take the dog out. Those are the necessities. Eating can wait but that’s usually not too far in the future after those.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Pee, wash hands, take morning medications, let dogs out and then in, feed dogs, then out and in again, brush teeth, tea, breakfast, Play with dogs.

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