A collection of errata and notes detailing that I was wrong, wrong, wrong:
Yes, I should have said intersex – at the very least in the deck. I used hermaphrodite as I assumed more people would understand the question. I should have used Intersex instead and explained. That’s entirely my bad.
@downtide Yes, many/most intersex people have ambiguous genitalia. I’ve been off googling my little heart out to see if what I proposed is real. [I’ve seen one (both vagina with depth and a penis that could get erect) but I hate anecdotal evidence so won’t offer that here.]
So, here are my results and conclusions:
From NYTimes: “True Gonadal Intersex . Here the person must have both ovarian and testicular tissue. This might be in the same gonad (an ovotestis), or the person might have one ovary and one testis. No note is made of have both sets of developed genitalia. link
The Straight Dope gives only a mild nod to the possibility: Functioning ovaries and functioning testes, however, plus functioning everything else — well, I suppose I can propose one far-fetched scenario where it could possibly happen’. link
Encylopedia also goes with the ‘extremely rare’ classification: True hermaphrodites are born with both ovaries and testicles. They also have mixed male and female external genitals. This condition is extremely rare. link
Having looked at this (and about 5 other sites with some claim to being science-based) I will certainly concede that the type I am talking about (has functional vagina and penis) is so rare as to be non-existent.
Let me add an aside: The horror story of parents and/or doctors who ‘choose’ a baby’s sex or gender still occurs today. As the intersex condition gets more coverage, it’s now possible for doctors and parents to not make this incredibly personal decision. These good folk wait for the child to decide which, if either, they wish to pick. Hopefully, there will come a time when parents and doctors simply won’t be allowed to make that decision for someone unless there’s a pressing need to make that decision.
Too Long, Didn’t Read:
Search and replace ‘hermaphrodite’ with ‘intersex’.
For nearly all statistical reasons, there are not people walking around with both a penis and a vagina.
However, the question still stands even with these two incredibly major changes.
Mia culpa, mia maxima culpa