Here’s the start:
Taking it…
What’s the finish?
….as it comes.
….to the limit.
…to the limit
@Bluefreedom At the exact same time we threw that down!
in the ass.
@Ponderer983. That was smooth. @johnpowell ‘s was funnier though. =)
@johnpowell lol
in the ass with no lube
Day by day
to heart.
one day at a time.
with a pinch of salt
. . . higher.
to the streets
out of proportion.
… out back.
by the hind legs!
… To your mom’s house. lol I have NO idea what I just said
…for a ride.
up the arse.
. . .hard
. . . back
. . .like a man
as read.
…to heart.
…in the way in which it was intended.
as a joke
…without asking.
with a grain of salt.
…like a man. the streets. the top.
…to the toilet.
over the edge.
…at face value.
as intended. out of context.
…to the bedroom.
fish potato.
and run.
@Plucky To the toilet?? Did you have bad Mexican for lunch?
…down to funky town
to the grave
in stride
and not paying for it.
…All wrong.
. . . to my nearest retail outlet for a full refund.
…to hell.
like a trooper (or a marine).
on the chin.
Take it to Jerome.
@wundayatta …dude. Lol.
Off slowly
What was the question?
in hand for what it is to the extreme for all it’s got too personally into account for all it’s worth
and liking it.
dingleberry gutrot ponseby-smythe.
…lightly. the bridge.
….in your stride
…any way I can get it.
…to the movies ...downtown ...seriously ...and eating it
…in the butt.
. . . with a glass of water.
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