General Question

deni's avatar

Can I glue a mustache to my face with Elmers?

Asked by deni (23141points) April 19th, 2012

This is essential. I am planning on using Elmers glue, it will come off with soap and water right? Is there a risk involved in doing this? I don’t want to regret it.

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24 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I don’t think good ol’ Elmer is going to attach a mustache to your face. Super glue is probably not the best choice either, sooo…you can try it, but unless you sand and primer your lip don’t count on it sticking for long. Try a costume supply for facial hair adhesives, they gotta be out there somewhere I’m sure.

jrpowell's avatar

Smear a thin layer of elmers glue on your palm. Wait five minutes and peel it off. It comes off easily like skin. I’m not sure it would hold a mustache on if you had to talk.

deni's avatar

Fuck! Well what can I do? Any home remedies for sticking a mustache to skin? It’s kind urgent. The bike ride is in less than two hours.

SmashTheState's avatar

What you need is spirit gum, which is specifically made for affixing acting props like false moustaches. I wouldn’t risk using anything else. While a product like Elmer’s glue is designed for use by children and probably isn’t toxic, it’s still assumed in testing that one isn’t going to have non-stop close facial contact with it, which may cause irritation or a rash.

A costume shop or prop house will undoubtedly stock spirit gum. Call your local playhouse and ask them where they buy theirs.

Edit: If you need this right away, is their any reason you can’t use bootblack or burnt paper ashes to simply smear a beard/moustache on yourself?

deni's avatar

@SmashTheState I could or I could just draw it on too with eyeliner or something, but I’d just rather use this hairy material that I bought. It’s perfect and hilarious. I’m trying to figure out a way I can make that work before I resort to just drawing it on.

thorninmud's avatar

How about a little strip of duct tape formed into a loop, sticky side out?

XOIIO's avatar

What is the oh so urgen need for a moustache anyways?

If you have wood glue aorund that should work.

XOIIO's avatar

A couple drops of super glue would do it to, although be a tiny bit painfull removing it, one drop on each side would hold well.

deni's avatar

@XOIIO I am going on the weekly cruiser ride around town tonight and the theme is mustaches. Hence the urgency clearly. Very serious.

I don’t have wood glue but I have super glue, I THINK, and rubber cement. And fabric glue, and craft glue. This is the house of many glues. painful would removing super glue be?

deni's avatar

@thorninmud Another possibility I thought of….I just wasn’t sure how well the tape would hold? Guess there’s no harm in trying it.

Sponge's avatar

You’re not planning on robbing a bank now are you?

jrpowell's avatar


I think a few loops of tape are your best bet. Maybe two small ones on each edge a nd a small one in the middle.

deni's avatar

@johnpowell I currently have it stuck on with tape….it seems okay. Aside from it shedding in my mouth. Looks like we have a winner!

jrpowell's avatar

Seriously, I super glued my arm to my leg a few months ago. Just a heads up to everyone. Wear pants when you are fixing your glasses.

deni's avatar

@johnpowell lkoslpolpoldoololol I love what you just said so much!

Jeruba's avatar

Any way you could run a thin strip of elastic from the ends of it over your ears and around the back of your head? or fasten it to a pair of empty frames, Groucho style? If you had as prodigious a mustache as @fundevogel’s avatar, you could just tie the ends of the ‘stache.

In your place I’d go with the Elmer’s if that’s all I had. It does peel off and probably won’t be worse than a band-aid. Don’t eat it, though. Even if it comes off prematurely, it’ll get you to the starting line.

Do not use the super glue on your face or anywhere on your skin. It’ll bond all too well.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Another vote for no superglue. Getting superglue unstuck from skin usually involves a trip to the ER.

rooeytoo's avatar

Rubber cement would be the best of what you have at hand, that usually just peels off. Colostomy glue would be the ultimate, it is designed to stick to skin. I agree on the superglue feelings, don’t use it. Although it works great to pull the sides of a wound together if you fall off the bike while trying to hold your mustache in place.

gailcalled's avatar

Here is the easiest, and most artistic way of making a perfect mustache. This was the minimalist Halloween costume of my beautiful niece, Vivian, last Halloween.

Her jersey of bleu, blanc et rouge helped but was not necessary.

woodcutter's avatar

I agree with rubber cement but the smell of it will be pretty rough while it’s drying. Call it mustache huffing, ha!

SomeoneElse's avatar

@rooeytoo Colostomy glue? As if that’s hanging around in every home collecting dust in the back of s drawer!

rooeytoo's avatar

@SomeoneElse – we always used it when puppies had ear crops. It was good for putting their ears up. It is handy to have for many reasons!

flutherother's avatar

This is the stuff they use in the film industry.

deni's avatar

Luckily my friend came with that eyelash glue stuff….disaster averted. And, it was AMAZING.

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