How would you fare in the life of a politician?
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6rant6 (
April 20th, 2012
I’ve thought for a long time that it takes a special kind of person to become a politician. They have to wear that confident smile for a year straight, have to compromise their integrity to get backers. Then when they get elected they lose control of their schedules, attend long boring meetings for a living, sit across the desk from campaign contributors and hear them whine. Wearing suits, dress up events – not so much my thing.
I’d probably be more okay than many people with speaking in public. But I’d hate the need to marshal chits for the inevitable next election.
What facets of a politicians life would you enjoy and which would you hate the most?
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19 Answers
My past and the past of my relatives probably couldn’t stand up to the scrutiny that most politicians have to put up with. Not that I have done anything bad, but I may have gone to a party or two that had drug usage going on at the time.
I couldn’t do it. One must needs wear a mask and not say what one would like. Not to mention that my checkered past would effectively punt me off the field.
I would not fare well at all. I can speak in public, I believe I have good ideas and the greater public good in mind. Unfortunately, I could not be effective due to the lobby machine and current political status quo.
I also would not like the celebrity lifestyle- being put under a microscope and having everything said be twisted and mis-quoted.
Nope- not for me.
My former husband was the headmaster of a fancy independent day school with a student body of 900, double the number of smart, well-educated and articulate parents and a faculty who who could tame the wind with their rhetoric. Part of the job was political; I loathed being the wife of the headmaster.
People assumed, wrongly, that I could wield enormous power behind the scenes. Mr Gailcalled and I drove miles out of our way to market and to see movies where we would be unrecognized.
Well, I do like free hookers.
I would be as effective as Ron Swanson.
I wouldn’t be good at it at all because I don’t do bullshit.
Perhaps I could appeal to sensible people and encourage other sensible people to get involved in their government.
I’m far too honest and no doubt would be constantly putting my foot in it. I have good intentions but would not be able to handle the ‘politics’ of it all. A profession for the very thick-skinned.
Very badly. I am far too committed to my integrity, don’t do false pretense well, don’t enjoy phoney schmoozing, and I’m a terrible liar. Never gonna happen, at least not in this lifetime.
I am too honest and straightforward to be a politician, plus I get terribly nervous in front of crowds and I usually need some time to think about what I am going to write/say, as I tend to forget to address points that I would otherwise have brought up, so I would not do too well in interviews and debates.
Plus I am a Socialist.
I would fold like a bad hand of poker. I get stage fright, I am not a good liar, I hate wearing formal clothes, I am not particularly friendly, I detest living under a schedule, I don’t kiss up to people for the sake of “political correctness”, and I am not a humanitarian. My political career would be a disaster.
I would not choose that life at all.
1. Having to be “on” all the time.
2. Having to attend meaningless public events at all hours of the dya and evening and weekends.
3. havign to suffer fools gladly for money donations.
I wouldn’t mind the paycheck. I won’t fool myself and say I could hack it though. The first press conference I’d show up in a tank top, shorts and sandals.
Being a people person would be a feather in my cap. I love people and associating with the rich and the poor. I am a “go getter” type person. I will not make you a promise that I cannot live up to. The long hours and people would suit me just fine. I am use to these type of conditions. I would be ready to “fight for what is right” for America. Dramatic changes may be in order to put America back on track with the economy. Whatever needs to be done, will be, as long at if effects each person equally.
I love audiences and speaking before them. You may contribute money to my campaign, but do not expect favortism in return. I cannot be bought.
I am a leader and I will lead this country back into being the great nation, that is use to be and respected by all.
I am an independent candidate, something that is so deperately needed in our country to lead it back to the five stars it use to be.
Not at all, it depends on the party. I could stand for the Pirate Party for example and still be myself.
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