@ragingloli We don’t have a national harem?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Thanks. :-)
@Avangelo Well true. A eunuch might not enjoy a BJ but might score some blow and do a lousy job after snorting it.
@flutherother You’d think they would have known that.
@Blackberry I’ve got the tee shirt. You’re 100% right.
@rebbel I’m guessing you might like to be the surgeon. :-)
@GoldieAV16 Americans got no, how do zey say, ”Savoir faire.”
@SpatzieLover Thanks.
@Brian1946 True. If it hadn’t been for the payment dispute, we’d never have been the wiser. That says something about the ethical standards of Colombian men versus American men. Have you ever tried to get services before payment from an American hooker?
@filmfann Herein lies the medical challenge. “See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.” —Robin Williams
@King_Pariah Yes, they did go through a few regime changes, didn’t they?
@Pandora That thought hit me too. Of course, after a long night of heavy drinking, even normally reserved, careful critters are mental mush. And they there is what I pointed out to @filmfann above.
@marinelife I think this tells us two things.
1—We do expect that.
2—They don’t meet that expectation.
@lillycoyote Yep. Before the little head takes over, they should do the thinking with the main CPU.
@Michael_Huntington They have done even worse things. Providing drugs to attractive targets of investigations in return for sexual favors and immunity from arrest.
@ro_in_motion All joking aside, that is very true.
@Dr_Lawrence And we don’t apply these to a job as mission critical as the Secret Service?