Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Any news out there today that you don't actually care about?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29317points) April 23rd, 2012

I’m reading almost halfway through this rather extensive article on Wal-Mart Mexico bribing practically the whole country to get their way. Then I just realized, I just don’t care. Even though I got this feeling that maybe I should, I stopped reading.

So instead of asking what news interested you, I’m going for the opposite. Thanks. : )

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19 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

Largest McDonald’s to be built in London to hold 1500 customers. I’m glad it’s not in the USA, but spare me the rest of the details

ucme's avatar

French presidential electi…...zzzzzzzzzzzz!

GoldieAV16's avatar

@mazingerz88 I started that article in the NYT yesterday, and it was so long – I couldn’t make it to the end, either. I felt just as you did…

@ucme Now the French election? I’m really interested in that one! It’s just one of those stories I found myself super caught up in. Maybe I’m becoming a Francophile! ;-p

ucme's avatar

@GoldieAV16 Mon dieu ;¬}

mazingerz88's avatar

@GoldieAV16 Same paper, same sentiment. : )

Jeruba's avatar

Haven’t looked.

Paradox25's avatar

I would say most of it to be honest. I follow the news much less frequently than I used to. I just find most of it to be too depressing for me, and I’ve even went as far as to cancel my newspaper subscription recently. If I had to pick one though I would say any type of celebrity or sports related news.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t care for any news. lol
I used to be a news junkie but checked out of all media after 9/11.
Rarely I’ll click on an article on my homepage, usually human interest, environmental, science, or animal stuff. I don’t watch, listen to or read any news for the most part. If it’s bad enough, like an astroid heading our way, well, I’‘ll know it soon enough. lol

Jaxk's avatar


Wow, just the title bored me.

downtide's avatar

Just about all of it

mazingerz88's avatar

@ucme That just takes the cake. Can’t believe how soul crushing that was having to use energy for my finger to tap on that link only to expose my eye on something way beyond…just beyond…pffft.

rooeytoo's avatar

I like to keep up with local, state and Australian news in general. I also keep an eye on things that interest me in the USA. Sky news is usually on for an hour or so in the morning while we have brekky but other than that, I just don’t think I have a need to know everything that happens everywhere in the world!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Guiliani endorsed Romney. I’m so excited!!!

Jaxk's avatar


Ya got a link to that.

Just kidding. Please don’t make me read it.

AngryWhiteMale's avatar

The John Edwards trial. It’s annoying how much attention the media is giving this story, when there’s far more important issues to cover, such as, oh, CISPA, increased surveillance, the horrible economy, etc., etc…

ucme's avatar

@Jaxk & yes, you too @mazingerz88 I wonder what she’ll “design” next….a lucrative divorce package perhaps?

mazingerz88's avatar

@ucme—There is only one logical next design move…a space satellite. In the shape of her husband’s…eherrmm…

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