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john65pennington's avatar

Will the 70s and 80s be known as the "backpack generation"?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) April 24th, 2012

Some form of backpacks have been around, since the early 1900s and before. Their popularity really seemed to highlight in the 70s and 80s. People born in the 40s are now known as the “baby boomers”. This fits their generation.

Question: since backpacks really became popular for students in the 70s and 80s for educational purposes, will this generation be known as the “backpack generation”?

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10 Answers

Charles's avatar

Probably not because while it may be true (and it may not be as I remember we school kids using them in the 1970s), it wouldn’t be the biggest characteristic of 80s kids. How about electronics becoming mainstream, new wave music generation?

mazingerz88's avatar

Yeah, The Electronic Generation or New Wave Generation sounds right. : )

janbb's avatar

Apparently not.

ucme's avatar

More like the decades than fashion forgot, & all the better for it.

lonelydragon's avatar

Probably not. I think they’d be associated more with electronic gadgets. Maybe the Walkman generation?

mazingerz88's avatar

@lonelydragon The Walkman and Hairgel Generation?

john65pennington's avatar

Lonelydragon…I chose the packback because it mainly effected each kid and older folks as they grew up together. Electronic gizmos are popular, but a backpack was a mainstay memory for those that used or even thought about using a backpack. Backpacks were/are still used as suitcases for many travelers and it all began in the 70s and 80s.

Backpacks are as popular as ever today and will continue to be for years to come.

Memories by association. Looking at photos of the 70s and 80s will surely contains children and their backpacks enroute to school. I don’t think as many electronic gizmos will appear as backpacks. This, is why I chose backpacks. Me.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t think so. Even if flashy backpacks and those fugmo banana pouch things became widely used during a certain period, people have been using all sorts of forms of carrying implements. For like, the longest time. Handheld leather schoolbags, suitcases, burlap sacks with decapitate heads in them…maybe the seventies and eighties were a turning point for bag evolution, but I don’t think they can become some social mainstay thing, since it’s something we always used, in some form or another.
I think that for something to characterize a time period, it needs to have had something that came and went, but wasn’t without its bang. Cassette tapes, types of fashion, horror movies that only the eighties could have possibly spawned.
Or people, for that matter. Like you said, baby boomers, WWII vets, Holocaust survivors; when there are none of them left, they might be used to underline a certain time period. I don’t think cute little backpacks can compete with that very much.

lonelydragon's avatar

@mazingerz88 That has a nice ring to it. Long live Aquanet! LOL

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

The 70’s will always be known as the disco, polyester generation. The 80’s will forever be known as the big hair, day-glo spandex generation, and they will both be known for mullets.

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