@marinelife Snarking even as we converse.
@Aethelflaed That was a wit comeback.~
@janbb In this thread, we have certainly crossed any line preventing such sue of “snark”.
@Coloma Those are all truly snarkastic, you snark alec. :-)
@Aethelflaed There you go. We’re snarking up the right tree, here. Oops. It’s a verb?
@wilma According to Merriam-Wbester Dictionary it means:
1 crotchety, snappish
2 sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner <snarky lyrics>
I think you are right that, as @wundayatta suggests, it can be unintentional and done unawares, or done for fun where no underlying crotchety feelings exist.
@Adirondackwannabe, @janbb, & @chyna I like the kind that have feathers, fur, whiskers, flippers and that bite. Platypusses.
@ratboy Is that like, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”?
@jerv Curmudgeonly tough love. :-)
@cprevite True. In some of the highly hospitable, sown-home friendly parts of the USA, acting a bit snarky will get your head blown off.
@Coloma Is there still hope for me if, when I ask, the voices answer?
@wilma Is that what @ratboy was trying to say?
@mothermayi I’m in the clear. I may be a little weaselly thing but I have zero interest in stealing people’s shoelaces.